
Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Christmas Eve has dawned and the sun has set, your boy is another year older. More gray hairs in the beard and a few other places, there MIGHT be a stray one on my head but for the most part the mane is still dark brown, I'm sure they are coming but I have a few years left. Of course I hit the routine which will be discussed after the jump, and I came back to have Cheese Steaks, Cake, and ice cream (mint chocolate chip if ya please), if was a mildly chilly day started out gloomy and in the 40's dropped to the mid 30's later on. Another year another non white Christmas. Granted it isn't like I am a HUGE SNOW FAN, I'll play in it if it's available but I don't like the cold(But your born in December, what does that have to do with LIKING cold weather hmmmm). Anyway enough stalling