
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Whats poppin

Another day another new blog. Okay so who am I hi names primal, you can call me prime, you can call me data, you can call me primal. No it's not my real name it's a name I came up with way back in like 1995-96 when I first signed on to AOL. You wanna know what it stands for ask me. Okay where am I from, I currently live in memphis tn but I was raised in the north east, my try state area would be new york, new jersey, and pennsylvania. But I haven't set foot in NY in at least 10 years, haven't set foot in philly in 11 years and I haven't set foot in the state of new jersey in like 6 years.

I'm a 34 year old black male, married but seperated(yes I could put complicated but hell everybody always wonders what that means, so I figure just tell folks and they can ask again in the future) no kids. I have some college(ie went didn't graduate, yes I was one of those constant partiers), I love to read, play video games, and I am a rather curious person.

What will I blog about, pretty much anything. Granted due to some of the rules posted I will have to cut down on my profanity, I won't post any videos on my page, I will link the hell out of them though. I will of course moderate the comments, while I hate deleting people because I am a firm believer in freedom of speech if I'm not cussing up a storm I'm not gonna let you do it either. If you have an opinion feel free to leave it, you got a point of view be my guest. You got yours, I got mine, somebody else has theirs. The sign of intelligent people is not the ability to speak but the ability to speak civilly even when they do not agree. Hell two bears understand each other but if all their doing is growling at each other until they try to maul the hell out of themselves really is that civil.

What do I like, broad question you ever wanna know feel free to ask, my only request is if it isn't part of the topic of the blog please stay at least close to the topic, I mean I tend to be rambling as it is but I usually keep my blogs withing a certain framework loose frame work but framework none the less. If I talk about something I give my opinion thats all, not an endorsement other then to say I like or enjoy it, not a recommendation, and damn sure not a call for zombie like following. I'm usually a pretty laid back person as long as your not here to do nothing but piss me off.

I have a lot of blogs out here in cyberland if you ever wanna know what else I have said or done, see the name at the top google it and you will most likely find me. At this moment in time I speak two languages english and bad english so if you see something in spanish(other then some BS spanglish), french, german, what have you it probably ain me. And as I have had this name for the longest time I may just take offense to someone borrowing one of my preferred nom de plumes, monikers etc. I put a fair amount of thought into this originally(most of the ones that appeared after this were just some sort of denominal addition to the original name) reason being if I want to get to know you I want to be able to say hey yeah this is why I thought this up not oh well I flipped a coin and it landed in a puddle of dog crap so this why I'm mean. Even though that coin flip technically would be kinda interesting because the next question is so did you dig in the dog dung to get your coin back, I think you get my point(and yes this would be an example of me rambling stfw). Welcome to primals world, I hope we have fun on this journey guess I gotta start getting more diligent about actually blogging in the future since I started this page, I mean there are days when I say a lot and then there are weeks where I won't post a damn thing.

Oh word of warning I do tend to make up words and add them to the lexicon of the english language, feel free to use the ones you like just remember to give me my due props I hate people passing off my verbage as their own like they're that brilliant, half the time it isn't even brilliance it's just what came to mind and it sounded good to me.

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