
Friday, November 6, 2009

What do you say on a day like this

I say day but the majority of the fireworks happened yesterday, I know that MSNBC will have pictures and videos of the horror that was the Ft. Hood shooting they also have a video of something that man it's just so many pieces of disrespect rolled into one. The Dachau Germany photo, I wanna call that tasteless(no I am not gonna look for the link to that, there are words for that disgrace but they are against the rules of this blog), then they are more photos comparing our current president to hitler or at least his administration to the nazi (actually I have a friend who usually keeps up on this let me see if Laffy at political carnival already has it up, hmm nope not this time) germany. Msnbc has video of it but as it has the dachau photos sorry no dice. Besides that piece of poor taste being held up by a member of the "press corp" at the house minorities press conference(rally, secessionist meeting), the "patriotic geniuses" who don't know the difference between the declaration and the constitution seem to have failed civics in one other major area: Care of our flag. I mean you do know the rules don't you?

Every 6th grader should know this rule: Our flag is not allowed to touch terra firma yup our flag is to be handled with care, it's not allowed to touch the ground for it to do so is a disgrace to the flag. And for a flag to have touched the ground there are special rules for disposal here are the flag codes from . And I will commend them they are non partison in showing they're violations they just need to catch up with today and this rule in particular

Section 8b of the Flag Code reads, " The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground..."

And even if it is not an actual flag but the symbol of the flag, say on a rug(by the way if you are wearing US flag shorts that a violation too) and upholstered piece of furniture(that too is a no no), You can't have any symbols superimposed on the flag(you can take a photo in front of it I believe but you cannot be on the flag or have anything printed onto the flag). Now most patriotic americans if they see their flag falling should jump to either catch it or find some way to keep it from hitting the ground. But not the good old GOP flag hit the ground whoops they just picked it up and went about their little spectacle.

Now ladies and gentlemen I am all about a good debate. I have no problem talking to someone about an issue that we may not agree on, but if you are gonna throw around the word patriot first get a dictionary and find out what it means(websters has a website I'm not going to do it all for you) and then ACT LIKE ONE. Our country is in trouble on so many levels and yet a portion of our country is not only in lala land, but they are trying to force the rest of us to join them there while they play their violins like nero in rome. No thanks, I mean seriously things can be fixed if people work together but if all you can offer is an impediment get your cheeks off to the side so the rest of us can fix things. Maybe it's the poker player in me but when I look at a situation I always weigh my options and I go by the worst case scenario, if I do this this is the worst thing that will happen if I'm wrong and if I do that this is the worst thing that will happen if I'm wrong.  And when I say worst I do mean worst, I get anal about it thing waaaay out there.  And which ever options worst is less colossally terrible thats the option I pick. The problem is the right, republican or conservative citizens of this country only seem to drink the heavily spiked kool aid, or else only own rose colored glasses and contacts.

I say this because the positions they take if they are wrong man is it (and usually it works out that way) disastrous, I'd swear daredevil or stevie wonder could see the problem about to smack them in the head a mile before they do. Not only that but what ever happened to fact checking, or doing your research. How are you say 55+ complaining you don't want the government to touch you health care when you are about to get on MEDICARE which is a government health care plan? How can you listen to a bunch of charlatans talking about the EVILS OF GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTH CARE when if they are an elected official guess what they are getting government run health care and you are paying for it. I mean I would love to ask how clueless could you be but then all I would have to do is tune into Fox "News". I will not deny being a lefty, so that yes there is some bias to the way I see the world but my bias doesn't ignore facts, figures or logic. If your right and your data checks out your right, I have no problem admitting that now if your wrong can you do the same. I mean my favorite is being in say a business environment where you talk to one of them as they complain about how all liberals want a free hand out, don't want to work(with my liberal bootay sitting right next to them working), refuses to sacrifice or pull themselves up by their boot straps(I'm black so I ain even gonna touch that today, maybe in the future remember the no cussing rule).

You know what let me drop that, stupidity does make me cuss and I ain gonna do that here(now if I raid out to play and cuss up a storm I just do kay okay). Fort Hood wow, I mean the person who was supposed to be there to help the soldiers deal with their traumatic experiences during their deployment lost it right before he was to be deployed. Unfoturnately the man has a name that could be arabic, or middle eastern or of any other decent from that region with no religious tie to it what soever. In this day and age though people are lazy, they aren't really gonna do the research nope see it's those dang muslims. Xenophobia is not what we want to rule the day now or ever, all it leads to is pain and bad decisions, trust me hating someone or something because they are different then you never ends well.

I know this is a little deeper then I usually get with this blog, I do for the most part tend to keep this somewhat light hearted not because I can't discuss serious things, usually I just cuss while doing it

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