
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Peeking in

I'm just in here to update this blog. Not really saying much but if I start forcing myself to show up I will also be more inclined to write, the more inclined I am to write the more often this blog is updated, the more often this blog is updated the clearer my head becomes and the more alcohol will probably be consumed.  Not because I have dependence issues but because I like to drink. Simple as that I don't have to drink I have had a drink in probably about a week, so while I will admit to being a drunk it has never been to the point that without alcohol my life is diminished.

I often welcome people to the randomosity train whether it is here, twitter, where ever you you see my favorite nom de plume (PRIMALDATA if you haven't figured it out by now) because I am random, maybe it comes from being a water sign who knows(and I'm sorry but a goat with a fish tail if that ain a water sign I don't know what is) but I can and will talk about anything, not to the lengths on here as in other place because while I may have a vast vocabulary I tend to express myself with expletives more then with long flowery words that just take up characters. If you're a jerk you're a jerk, why beat around the bush. My grammar is lousy always has been, I'm human I will fully admit it. But I will never use grammar to defeat someone else's argument I will use their lack of argument to defeat their argument. The art of debate has been lost on most people, they have been told something told to repeat it passionately and if you point out the errors in it their brain freezes. They try to tell you the exact same thing but with different words and then wonder why you laugh at them.

And yes I laugh at parrots, they are for entertainment are they not. Anybody who lies and say you get an animal that mimics what you say is for companionship is a sad, sad soul. You want a companion go out and meet somebody or get a dog, or if you must a cat. You want to be adventurous go get a Burmese Python and let it sleep outside of an enclosure. This was just a peek in blog so if you are expecting structure or some kind of outline, seriously what part of poppin my head in and forcing myself to type in a few paragraphs do you not understand.

Oh by the way Gary Coleman died yesterday, a guy who lead a life that started out great and turned into a cautionary tale about people living vicariously through their children. And today we lost Dennis Hopper what can I say about that guy he was awesome he saw life and certain way and tried his hardest to bring his vision and everybody else's to your eyes

Out for now I will be back later, I saw prince of persia last night so my version of a review is upcoming

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