
Thursday, October 28, 2010

The realm of paddy and laffy


This is one of my favorite liberal blogs, yes I know about FDL I don't go there that often I probably need to. Again lack of laptop land when I hit the sheets thats it I'm going to bed, I'm not writing blogs I'm not watching videos, I may be tweeting if my phone is close, but I'm definitely not responding to blogs. And I'm not keeping up with Rachel, Keith, or Ed like I used to, I remember watching them nightly but I either get home late, I'm not in the mood to stare at the tube or else somebody else is using it. Usually though even if I don't get a chance to check the tube if I go to The Political Carnival (thats the sites full name) I can get caught up see a few vids, a few great articles and she links out to other sites. I may have RECENTLY started to link out of my posts but she always provides the source material, as well as linkage, wait I'm saying she it should be THEY, Gottalaff and Mz Paddy(I don't think she has a twitter if she does I don't know it) keep it pretty light but cover all the days various political happenings.

And before you think she is some above the fray blogger understand you come to her site with stupidity she will political kick you teeth in with the facts you are trying to ignore. She isn't the speak softly type and calling her a liberal is a compliment not some charge that needs to be defended. I'm speaking of Laffy this time, she's the one you interact with the most on the site and yes there is the liberal bias others will complain about. Trolling is not welcomed (by her if I catch them in time I like to poke them with pointed sticks and pelt them with rotten tomatoes before she tosses them) but spirited debate is. I probably need to take a class from her on widgetry (shut up little red squiggle I know I made that up and I'm now adding it to the dictionary so nyaa nyaa new word invented) because her site is very cleanly put together, no clutter and it's pretty easy to get from one post to another, hell she even has a good inter blog search feature(hmm thinking I might need one of those in a year or 3 when I get enough content) and her post rate is through the roof, some days she has to post at least 12+ stories a day. I'm a hobbyist SHE's a blogger don't ever think we are even remotely on the same level.

And if you follow her on twitter she will respond(just don't be stupid please I SOMETIMES feel sorry{why do I hear giggling} for some of the conservatrolls who try to annoy her on twitter SOMETIMES) she's usually pretty nice to me even though I'm like a shadow now you see me now you don't. So you like liberal bias, somebody who does their fact checking, and IF on the rarest of occasion that she is wrong will immediately post a retraction or an update please give TPC a try I'm sure you will thoroughly enjoy it

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