
Friday, November 12, 2010

Another friday what shall I do

Man I wish I had remembered to eat breakfast this morning. My stomach is grumbling, okay just bummed a deuce off baby bro so I got a lemon pie and a Dr. Pepper. Yeah yeah what am I 5 (8 1/2 actually) its not the breakfast of champions but it will take care of the rumbling.

Didn't get paid yet so you know how that goes, besides baby bro gets rides to see his girlfriend, hits me up to take him to the movies(his attempt to bribe me with subway later let's me know he's got a whopper of a request coming up), take him to the gamestore, and gets me in trouble when he ditches work by staying at his girlfriends house instead of coming home(NOOOOT that being who I USED to be I have much room to talk. I've called out for the coitus illness before, hey finding a way to talk about sex without using the regular verbage should get points).

So I'm just sayin 2 bucks ain that big a deal plus knowing him it will be "come on buy my ticket or my concessions" time at the movies AGAIN. He can be captain cheapskate sometimes, I mean I know about being young and wanting to spend all ya free cash on your lady but dude, we both grown and you are a stingy and expensive date(what, he keeps a death grip on those damn reese's pieces and always has).
Speaking of movies(and video games we on a decent distance road trip and my presumed excuse to get to best buy: picking mom up from work was defeated !CURSES!) Don't know what came out today but I may try to sneak RED in again or else walk down the block to whatever new opening comes out.

I need to go buy scott pilgrim vs. The world on DVD. Loved it at the theatre NO IDEA if I did a blog about it(I'm not that Chris dude on AOTS, so I don't do a DVDuesday thing, I could I do tend to buy a lot of movies if something I liked came out) after watching it. It did come out about the time I was all flighty when it came to blogging. If not I may revisit it when I buy the DVD, well the bluray. I have resorted to buying movies on bluray because what do you know not that many people I know have bluray players thus movies don't walk out the door.

Ain that sad? You have to switch to the new medium so that you can always watch your favorite movies. I mean its no knock that the picture quality is awesome too, sound is pretty good as well its a waste that they don't put more extras on the disk though. Maybe as they go forward they will

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