
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Its Election Day here in America

Its kind of funny, elections were like this foregone conclusion when I was younger, or maybe I was just naïve. I mean I understood the principles our fore fathers died to build this country for us, they set down rules for how things were supposed to work.

In my young mind EVERYBODY accepted this solemn charge passed down by those wise men who shed blood almost 9 score ago(yup we've been a country for almost 225 years man are we young). This is of course if my memory serves right and a score is 25 years. And even they said we were not yet perfect so they made provisions so that if we really felt PASSIONATE about something then we could add it to our constitution.

I'm an adult now and I see that maaaybe we all didn't pay attention in social studies. And possibly we skipped Mccarthyism is history. Because we are no longer looking at each other as americans with differing opinions or approaches to the same goal (a brighter future for america) it seems on BOTH sides some really do see each other as traitors. People not to be trusted because SOMEONE ELSE tells you not to trust them. The america I read about of principled thinkers has devolved into a culture of hatred and vitriol. And why, because somebody PAYS for it to be that way. I can disagree with you and not question your patriotism, I can ask questions without having to face questions about my allegiance. I am an american, I was born in these United States like all of my classmates I said the pledge every morning.

To some that isn't good enough, to some if I do not swear allegiance to their ideals I'm not a real american. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are commie traits. For me to freely speak my mind is socialist. Now no its isn't fascist for you to speak your mind about your dislike of taxes or extreme regulation. But if when you get done talking its take the ball and go home(especially if it isn't your ball) that's not american.

Then we have others who feel it is unnecessary to vote, their voice won't be heard so why bother, I mean part of that quote from the Declaration  of Independence definitely means if they so choose hey you ain got to vote, it's your vote if you wish it to say None of the above by not voting it is your right. I do not agree with this viewpoint but it is a valid viewpoint if I believe as I claim I do in the vision of our fore fathers, we are all types and we except all types. That has gotten lost as of late because people have become of the mindset that it is my way or the highway and my way is absolute, yeah not here nobody's way is absolute. It is one path of many, as long as you TRULY wish the best for our nation we will all end up in the same place, if it is only about hatred and distrust we shall all burn together.

Okay this is getting a little heavier then I originally intended so:

I'm hoping EVERYONE(I don't care about your affiliation) was able to safely get to their local polling place and vote. That there were no incidents, and that the violence of the last few weeks is over and done with. Today was a day in america, tomorrow will be a day in america and I hope that people remember that. I believe america is stronger than even the worst governing body. As long as her people are willing to work together, granted as of late THAT has seemed like a naiive view.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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