
Friday, November 19, 2010

To the Hallows I go

I may not have gotten to the midnight opening or copped any of the swag that goes with it, but for me that's not what movie watching is about. Its about walking and smelling gas leaks and hoping nobody gets the urge to light a fart. Nah I'm playing(I just happened to smell gas walking down the street) its about the memories and the moods. I'm a grown kid I still enjoying escaping into a world far away and for whatever amount of time just enjoying being there in that moment.

As a child and young teen I used to obsess about all the negatives in my life. Weighting them as if those were my most important moments, those were the things I would be remembered for. But some sage advice from a man I may not always agree with but I love dearly got me to change what I gave prominence to. Bad things happen regardless of income, intelligence level, athletic ability, artistic merit or charm. You can harm no one and inconvenience no living thing(damn again with the gas is the world about to explode around me) and still run into hardships from time to time. Innocence does not inoculate you from life's trials it just says that you do not deserve such a harsh taskmaster.

Its kind of one of the reasons why I like Harry Potter the story so much. From the beginning he had done nothing a newborn babe, just enjoying what it means to be alive:air, food, the touch of those who love you. Yes he had the potential for great things but we all do, that's why its called POTENTIAL. We might be great, we might be average, we might be boring the only definite is that we will be. That in 7 years(in terms of the story) harry has gone from a shy, unsure, shadow just happy to not be noticed to a young man with the weight of the world on his should who still refuses to break is a great tale.

GRR I hate people who know they are speeding, see you crossing the street, know they could let up on the gas but instead mash on the horn. Its pretty simple hit me with my 260 plus frame and you ain driving far I will jump so I roll over you hood smash your windshield and then you can explain why you have a HUMAN BEING sized hole in the glass. And nah it didn't end well for the little old lady either.

Back to the story so Harry has grown to have great friends(a love that they ignored in the last movie), power, compassion and a small bit of respect for the task at hand. I see the theater but I know I'm earlier so I'm stopping for refreshment first. If this works, I hope such heavy stories like this in the future, if the character already has a big following trust in them to make the movie a success.

Look at Star Wars and Star Trek the first a movie that none that had a chance the second a TV series that aired for what two and a half years MAYBE 3 tops think of the dough those franchises have raked in from 1980 on. How about the Rocky Horror Picture Show, cult classics are just that. Okay about to go buy my ticket so bedding this one

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