
Monday, March 28, 2011

And then you look down

Aaaaaah, long drive on a chilly afternoon and you bladder asks for a pit stop. You're in a slight rush so you pull into the nearest Wally World, you whip out the equipment, and release that pent up liquid. Now as the two urinals were occupado, you decided to use the handicap stall(because while you may like sci fi, you really don't want to relive the trash compactor scene from new hope while TRYING TO PEE), so as you are about finish your business you glance down and what do you see

That's right an empty condom box, I know what you're saying "Bull Puckey, I mean who would do that leave a condom wrapper in the handicap stall. That's probably not even the stall." And I could understand your skepticism thus I took: a second picture

And as you see in the second picture, Le Commode. Now take that oh screamer of "Horse Hockey", seriously you can't make this stuff up. Now my first thought somebody didn't have thhe 5-7 bucks for a box of condoms, but they did want to practive safe sex. So you slip the box in your pocket, sneak into the bathroom, open it and viola: the box and the inventory control device hit the floor, condoms go in your pocket, and tonight you and Mr. Happy are "Ready for the SHOOOOW".

But, this is the age of "the wide stance" so two guys could have gotten it on in the mens room with PURCHASED condoms, but I figure if you paid why not toss the box outside in the trash. Hell why not open the fresh box in front of your date so she/he knows they are new. Cause ya triflin Ahh didn't pay for them(replace the H with S') thus you were making your quick getaway.

Oh well, people can suck sometimes
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By the way I thought of the "Trojan MAAAAN" label after I  posted  it from the droid, in this instance it TOTALLY fits, Comedic GOLD I  tell ya

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