
Friday, April 15, 2011

Running, running, running

Hello my dear readers I know I still have yet to do the "Hanna" blog it has been a hectic week. I will do it tonight(possibly on this car trip since I'm gonna miss Smallville), I've had to deal with a hack attempt on my computer(which failed mostly, they fried my safe mode I haven't had time to find the registry prompts yet to repair it), had a few late nights, still haven't gotten over my Collergy, but I did find my backflip(it was in the damn front yard).

I've been rained on a few times this week, I've read a few blog entries by others, I have mildly been getting my tumble on. I have gone back to my sporadic Tweeting(and killed my cousins car charger). I am pondering giving Ero his own section of the ponderings, I want to nurture my baby brothers wit and curiosity. He'll just have to obey the rules if he wants to do it. Posting only,(means I'll have to start editing for real) its still my blog he wants to do it, likes it and wants full control he'll have to start his own blog.

I stumbled into blogging, took me a while to really set my feet, but now USUALLY I'm off and running. As you see there are some fits and starts, but I'm human my focus is getting better but I'm no where near they level of my more dedicated friends. They may not realize it but they do inspire me. Not saying you'll see me in the next 30 day challenge but you may see me do a sustained multipost a day month. Hell may see a few of them, I've done it before and the only thing stopping me is me sitting down and dedicating the time.

I've lost some weight(I think) my scale is shaky so I can never really be sure, its like a see saw it rocks you back and forth and the weight sways with you. I think I look thinner but I've had to work out less because I'm a little under the weather. I guess I can blog about that too, man I am sitting on so much material.

Aiight time to get to it, blogs a poppin if your readin, sit back and enjoy. And hey comment, criticize, whatever the worst that will happen is I'll answer you back and disagree.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

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