
Saturday, May 7, 2011

The fine gentleman from Davis H Elliot

I know I mentioned either here or on wordpress that ever since the initial power outage and the the lack of internet or cable I've felt a little shell shocked. Well on the day we got our power back I had wanted to write a blog thanking the electricians out of Texas who got our little neighborhood back up and running

I took plenty of pictures, as we were hoping beyond hope that the evening would bring a return to normalcy:hot showers, a refrigerator, lights, TV, clean clothing, and AC. And the gentleman in the Altec trucks sporting the Elliot logos definitely did the job. They put up the new poles, strung them, replaced the fence they had taken down, tested their work and then, light.

My immediate next action will be my next blog adventures in cleaning out the fridge. I don't know about you but after 18 hours, food starts to be suspect, after 24, its a problem, and after 36 the only question is when are you gonna clean it out not if. 3 days and nights without power food was done I don't care if it was in the freezer it was already thawed out and spoiling.

But this isn't about the fridge its about those Elliot guys who got the power back on, they were friendly, a little surprised at all the picture taking, and efficient. MLGW called them in and after they got half the neighborhood up Thursday (yeah blogged about that too) it was our turn Friday. And what a glorious Friday night it was, because we had power again. I know for water conservation sake you are only supposed to take 5 minutes in the shower but that was the best 15 minutes of my life. I felt invigorated, I felt like I lived in the modern age, I felt alive.

I'm sure to some that sounds silly and as compared to my 360 compadre who just got her power back the other night(yes I had to wait a few days, she was dealing with it for over 2 weeks whole county out of power). Its so odd how "spoiled" we are now, how our basic amenities have come so far. The struggle of just doing something as simple as using the bathroom. You can't see to wipe your butt, you have to hold your LED light from your phone as you try not to miss. Nobody wants to smell Pee because you have someone ignoring that they missed. I know its hard to clean in the dark but you could still through a towel down or something.
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Now as power was still out in a few neighborhoods further back towards Frayser I have still seen the Elliot trucks in the neighborhood and reading their site our recent rash of floodings has also employed the services of the hard working and I am sure road weary men. But if the site of the Mississippi is any indication(by MS I mean River, I don't see how it could be marked twain right now because it's high, I mean swallow up ya house high if you were too close to the rivers edge) until we get a good week or two of sunny skies to dry out and finally let the river recede, they may be here for a while. Now if you wonder why there are only shots of the trucks and not the drivers, linesmen or electricians it's because while I have a few shots showing these gentleman I didn't ask if I could use their personal images before they left.  Hell we still owe them 18+ beers, I promised them a 12 and there were also the promises of a case thrown out, that if they hadn't of left so quickly would have gladly been paid out. 30 bucks for a hot shower and a working refrigerator is pretty damn cheap. Especially since it's now been 2 weeks since power has been restored.

Also reading Elliot's website it seems they were also dispatched to AL so me and my 360 bud may also have Elliot in common now.  So if you ever have a catastrophic storm and you see and Elliot truck in the area I may be a little bit jaded but I'm pretty sure they will have you up and running in no time(yeah I almost said "right as rain" but rain was the entire damn cause of this problem in the first freaking place)

1 comment:

  1. Your feelings are not silly. There will always be those that seem to have it worse then you, however, that doesn't cancel out your experience. I'm glad you are feeling alive and invigorated. The Elliot guys are good at what they do. Bless them!
