
Saturday, May 14, 2011

The more you know

As of late I have been feeling a little subconscious about the length of my posts when it comes to you know how you see them on the web when you first log in, well a little something I had been ignoring: the jump break. I know other bloggers who say after the jump, and I see it(of course USUALLY I have gone to their link directly so I rarely notice it) and I'm like umm what jump. They meant this jump

Hopefully there is a jump break there. I've used it a few times but for other reasons and never high enough in the post to notice the little "read more" so now that I know about it woohoo I'm going to be le blogging fool, post as long as I wish and go ahead and clip down that "initial offering" as well as the length of my feeds (I'm sure many of you will appreciate that) so that you aren't downloading monsters everytime, unless you choose to read more. Now possibly that will cause some of you to respond more often or read more, no clue.

I just like to mention when I learn something new and hopefully make future uses of it to improve the aesthetics of my blog. While I was hoping for a new laptop first I have a line on a new PC possibly and I am thinking of getting it, I will then turn my current PC into something else a server possibly but we shall see. Those are of course plans for the future and I respect that all plans must be fluid and quickly able to change course if the obstacles in front of you require it.

This wasn't anything new just a "new toy" blog for those who don't know how to use it if you have blogger it's that little broken page button or the code < !--more-- >when you edit your HTML now is that always like that no clue I could check for you

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