
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A complaint to or about me is not the same as stabbing me in the back

Can I get yall to gather a little closer for me, yeah don't violate anybody else's personal space but make sure you can hear me on this one. This is the land of free speech, if there is something on your mind get it off. Say what you have to say, be honest and open about your concerns it doesn't mean I(or the person you are talking to at the time if you ain speaking to me) will agree with you but at least there will be no hard feelings because I possible stepped on your toes or because something you said got back to me when we were standing right next to each other. See there is this "common wisdom" right now that if you complain to or about someone, that you are betraying them. Not at all, if there is a problem that I don't see but you do guess what? If you don't tell me it won't get fixed, or if it can't get fixed you won't know that unless you tell me so I can explain to you what this issue is with said item. Now understand, if it is a personal quirk of mine that you have an issue with it may not get fixed but at least I will know "okay this is something you don't want to ride with, I won't pick you up for this adventure", and guess what because you let me know up front NO HARD FEELINGS.

Now if all you do is talk bad about me behind my back, constantly sharpening knives and only getting ya tiger on when I turn my back as not to see who's throat I should be grabbing, THAT is stabbing me in the back, if you are sure about what you have to say then possibly give me you preliminary concerns and say "but let me get back to you because I may have been mistaken", I won't be mad something bothered you yet before you make to big a deal about it you wanna get more info, I completely respect that. I see you constantly talking until I walk into the room and then you get all busy and act like your eyes and my direction are the same magnetic charge and never the two shall meet, I understand you want drama, and this ain the daytime soaps. It seems to have become a habit of late that detraction is the cuisine dujuor. Why do the hard work of figuring out what is actually going on when you can resort to sensationalism, innuendo, loose association and inference to drum up "traffic".

Now if you are a gossip blog/magazine/show/etc, or only writing an "opinion piece"(and fully admit it is an OPINION PIECE) hey say whats bugging your or what you think will bring the eyes, because you're audience already knows what you are saying(or at least SHOULD already know) has to be taken with a grain of salt. Sometimes a few raindrops are just that a few raindrops, sometimes they are a precursor to a storm and sometimes they are some jerk peeing on you. But if you are claiming to be some type of investigative piece, reporting the news, or even having serious debate or discussion there is an expectation of seriousness and fact checking. Can you use humor to break up a rather dreary part sure, but you better have the facts about it and they better be double or triple checked.

It seems to be the season of political scandal and smearing, people allowing unfounded accusations to be lightly tossed salad fixings before I add my blue cheese and croutons. Yes serious can be boring it's supposed to be, you don't want people constantly getting into serious situations like they are fun. You want it to be an emergency, or because they need detailed and thorough information like a report you had to do in class. Yes you can use some of your own words but the teacher wants you to make sure you understand what really happened or at least what at this moment in time we all agreed really happened if the story changes later so be it at least your butt is covered by the fact that you went along with the current "authority" on the subject. And for me to accept you as an authority on a subject I'm going to need to see and hear PROOF(not conjecture proof) that you have actually spent time studying the subject you are talking about. Not that you buttress the argument being made by some blow hard so that even if you aren't telling the truth it sounds good and is the line of garbage I want to run with because we have become a society of rubber neckers "let me see, how bad is it, oh god how dismal, how disturbing, how trifling SHOW ME MORE". I would love to say we are better than that but as I see a lot of reality TV and Opinion shows marketed as NEWS, I know we aren't but we damn sure used to be.

I also know we can get back to it, people just need to ween themselves off the diet of crap and sensationalism. Demand more of yourself and the people around you(yourself first though, don't be a douche bag but want everybody else to be Mr. and Ms. Manners uh huh thats what we have now), pass on a climate and planet where we are closer together and not constantly sharpening knives and mixing poisons. I mean as it is we shake hands to show we have no weapons hidden, we clink our glasses together to insure there is no poison, we hug to hopefully figure out if you are armed or not, or wearing armor. Whats next, a mutual phone dump to ensure we aren't hiding incriminating information on each other, swapping smart pads to make sure I haven't hacked your social networking personas. Making Twitter pledges that I won't create half a million alter egos to flame a trending topic about you(and if your the type to do that, please go discover sex, porn or video games, reading books SOMETHING you need a damn role model) or Tumblr your name into the mud?

Don't act like you haven't seen or suspected it was happening(and for some of yall like you haven't done it, you naughty cyber stalkers you)

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