
Monday, August 8, 2011

Trailers for Cowboys & Aliens

Tower Heist

Ben Stiller plays an average joe who has worked all his life at New York City's most prestigious high rise apartment complex. Average housing cost 5 million, Alan Alda plays a multimillionaire financier who is about to be busted for defrauding all of his customers, including all the pensions of the apartment building workers. Angry that while they are trying to figure out what to do without their retirement savings the crook is stilling living in his penthouse apartment under FBI watch, Ben stiller decides to call on Eddie Murphy an old friend from the neighborhood and a career criminal.

The Goal? Steal 20 million dollars from the thief who stole their pension money. This comedy seems to be taking on the recent Bernie Madoff scandal where basically people found out Madoff was using fuzzy accounting and the new money coming in to pay those who wanted to get out. Can a bunch of hard working every day folks and one criminal steal their money back from the guy who has it all and is in the most secure place he can be?

Mission Impossible: Ghost protocol

Ethan hunt, spy stuff, gadgets, car chases, Eminem music playing in the background. Yeah I know this one has been shown for the last 3 times I have gone to the movies. It looks like it could be a fun right but honestly I think I have exhausted all the basics I could do about the movie without sitting here and going to IMDB and giving you every last detail of the plot synopsis and I don't think you want that now do you? Ethan Hunt and some strange new agent he doesn't really trust against the US government for a crime they didn't commit, hey wait why does that phrase sound familiar(because it was the plot of the A-team, but hey this ain the first time Ethan has been hunted down by the government)

Conan the barbarian

I will warn you now the trailer on the site(if you can even call it a trailer it's more like a preview) is pretty graphic, it's kid Conan and lets just say he started out a cold hearted bastard. There is blood in that preview so you have been warned.

Conan the Barbarian is a remake of the role that Arnold Schwarzenegger made famous many moons ago. This time Jason Mamoa plays a more lithe Conan, he is still a Cimmerian, he is still a savage swordsman and it looks like he still kicks major butt. Personally this trailer was better than the last one, all that smoke and grit when people wanted to see Mamoa as the hulking savage was kind of counter productive. This one looks cleaner and better. I don't know if this will silence the critics but at least it makes you interested in the movie. I still see Giant Snakes, sorceresses, invading hordes, and a megalomaniacal Main bad guy with supposedly mystical powers so the story seems in line with the original  Conan the Barbarian. Supposedly this Conan is more in line with the Robert E Howard imagining of the character, though if any of the comments on the IMDB board about it are an indication it isn't close enough for some.


This was a new trailer for me all together, I think I had heard some stirrings about this movie(I remember making a joke about board games to movies so wasn't really interested at first blush) this appears to follow a naval exercise with a hard nosed Captain and the extremely gifted but unfocused officer who is trying to marry his daughter. Upon seeing some strange object floating in the distance that doesn't show up on their sonar the Captain sends his soon to be son in law out to check it. after climbing on the back of the metal structure protruding out of the water one of the sailors inadvertently places his hand in a fateful spot and the object seems to come to life. Flipping in and out of the water until it looks like an alien craft(it does appear to hover for a second over the water but later in the trailer its fighting see vessels in the sea),  while the sailors who went out to investigate try to get back after the alien craft fires on his fleeing crew members the captain makes the call to open fire with all weapons.

As there were a lot of moving parts before the alien ship finally settles in to want to attack the naval forces I was wondering if this was another shape changing robot movie(I don't wanna say the T word, or the G word because one had just come out and I doubt if a sequel was going to be made they were already shooting, and the other one I just can't see getting a movie). I don't know it must be humans versus unimaginable alien force time again, lets see if as I see more of this one it gets more more interested than Battle La did, with how bland the first few trailers were with giving me details about what it was they lost me early.

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