
Friday, February 10, 2012

Impatience thy name is Primal

 Now you can say it and you are absolutely right: "Didn't you say you would hold on to buy the 32GB microSD card with the Adapter because the 16 would be fine?" and yes I did say that. Here is what changed as sometimes happens in my day to day travels I happened to hit a few electronic stores looking for various parts, and while there I decided to check out things that just hit the shelves that I might want later:Phones, Sd cards, Games, Gaming Systems, newer versions of the tablets coming out, new laptops, what have you. The reason being is simple if I know what a customer may be about to purchase I at least can get a heads up on any issues that may run into either from trying to get the it to do something it can't or because they didn't read the instructions on how it can. So while making these rounds I happened to look in the Sd/flash memory section, remember I really wanted a 64Gb but the highest I saw on shelves was a 32 and I was noticing a pattern.

Other then Best Buy nobody else(physically in stores) had a 32GB under 60 bucks, on top of that nobody had the 32GB micro for anywhere near 50 bucks. So I put two and two together, that was a damn great deal, that isn't available everywhere, including other Walmarts, and I needed to race my booty back and pick it up. Of course as I had a bird in hand I really didn't need to rush back and get it, but if something just so happened to send me that way, I would pick it up. Well what do you know a heater I had also picked up on Wednesday wasn't working properly and why I had picked it up from that very same Walmart, why the Universe is sending me a message loud and clear "Go back and get the damn MicroSD card stupid," and who am I to argue with the universe. It was at that Walmart, I needed to take the Heater back anyway well why not go ahead and pick it up, so as you can see there is the SD card which is currently in my thrive now of course, since that SD card is in my thrive I have probably moved the 16 down to my blackberry right? Yup after a rather extended process of moving data over(extended because my big brained self had put the data lock on by mistake, mainly because it securely holds the microSD card in place somebody should make a lock that holds the SD card in and then a lock that locks the data on the other side I'm just saying) I put the 16GBinside, then after a slightly less extended process I moved all the data from my Android onto the 8GB and now it's gotten a huge memory boost. Hasn't improved the phones performance but I am less worried about running out of space now so I can snap away with the camera and record videos if I so desire with not a care in the world of filling up the paltry 2gb I started with.

Now some may say "Does this mean if you see a 64GB in the stores tomorrow you are going to snap it up?" Nope only because I am sure the price will be well over 50 bucks and I don't need 80gb's of free space on my tablet that badly just yet for that to become some sort of rush. The 32GB micro with adapter for $49.99 (before tax) was just too good a deal to pass up, especially since going forward that could possibly reside in a phone when the 64 hits shelves and then drops under 50 bucks. Plus you never know when the next sale will hit for whatever reason so I might even catch the 64 for around 30 bucks when it finally comes out. The links I have attached up top show both of the cards for at least 10 bucks cheaper than what I paid in a physical store but again for me it was about having it in hand right then and there, which admittedly means it will be more expensive. Granted next time I may be more patient and shop online, I like it so much when it comes to ebooks I may need to start doing it with other electronics purchases.

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