
Monday, May 14, 2012

Movies I want to See DC: Justice League pt 2

The why in my mind isn't so much simple as it is awesome. While these guys are all Alphas(not to be mixed up with the Syfy show) they seem to find a way for everybody to become a well oiled machine, using each others strong suits to get the job done. They may not be happy with each other afterwards depending on how things went down, but while they are going down once they figure out what you are doing, why and where the focal point is, look out. These guys are the Top Dogs in their city, their may be other heroes(especially in Metropolis and Gotham) but these are the guys who everybody else makes room for when they step through the door. And rarely do they need or ask for help, I mean Superman is nigh invulnerable, has moved asteroids to planetoids, can fly, run almost as fast as the Flash(technical comic book rule I will get to in a second), has super hearing, X-ray vision, heat vision, super breath of various kinds and has a 1 percentile intelligence when called upon(depending on storyline). Wonder Woman is an Amazon, look unless you lived under a rock for most of the 90's you saw Xena Warrior princess, you saw what many at the time called an Ancient Wonder Woman.

A fierce and fearless female warrior, unflinching in her cause, rarely matched in her skill. While blogging wasn't really that big in my life at the time if it would have been I would have said then "DC comics needs to stop whatever they are doing and tell the people at WB to sign her(Lucy Lawless) to a movie deal quickly and just put out a half decent popcorn Wonder Woman flick just to have SOMEBODY besides the big two on the silver screen." Because in all honestly all they have is Superman and Batman, which while they are great when your competitor has 5 block buster movies, one that is a Household name that just has a hard time living up to expectations(Hulk) but folks still
pay to see, another that was watered down too much but people love to death(Wolverine), a team that was well imagined(FF) but their villains underwhelmed for the most part, and another team that made money but just wasn't done correctly(I will get to them later). You also have a few misses when it comes to character imaginings but they are at least on the silver screen. Whether done badly or not people have had a chance to see them and whether the buzz is positive or negative you will hear what people liked, what they didn't, what they wanted added and what they wanted removed.

Why did The Hulk get a second movie there were PARTS that Ang Lee got right, the stuff he didn't WASN'T in The Incredible Hulk, Hulk hits one size and stays there his STRENGTH increases not his mass. Like it or not Joss Whedon's first experience in movie making(or at least my first interaction with his characters) was Buffy the Vampire slayer the movie. SUUUUCKED, not quite fantastisucked but man if I am comparing it to Buffy the Vampire Slayer the TV Show woooo I swear it's on the C man is it on the C. I'm sure part of that was studio pressure because some pin head couldn't buy a Female butt kicking Vampire Hunter/Slayer, character development sucked, the vamps were comical not frightening or deep, and the other characters were pretty much throw away. But Willow, Angel, Spike, Giles, Xander and Delia(Cordelia) I loved those characters on the show, the way the interacted with each other really made it a lot more fun. I even love how the writers and directors adjusted to "one time and band camp". So Joss's next few movies when he saw that the FANS would back him if you made us fall in love with the characters made decent money because he stuck with the fans and gave them what they wanted.

Another difference between The Avengers and Justice league is that save Batman and the Flash for the most part it is full of powerhouses. Of the Main 7: Superman-Strength, Speed, Power; Wonder Woman-Strength, speed, tactical; Green Lantern-Strength (if he has the strength of will to move it he can move it), range, tactical; Martian Manhunter- Strength, Speed, infiltration(he can become extremely dense or intangible), shapeshifting abilities, and telepathy. Sometimes telekenesis; Hawkgirl I have seen her have slightly stronger than peak human strength at times and I know with a good swing from her nth metal hammer she can take down patrol/fighter vehicles, she is also a consummate soldier. And if you notice I mentioned at least 3 tacticians, so they aren't just swinging wildly hoping that brute strength wins the day(Sorry Supes) they will lure you in to a trap and have thinking you have the upper hang while accomplishing some other tactical goal. You also have a few people who are of science/research backgrounds(look Batman pretty much knows everything, so I am not counting him) The Flash is actually a Crime scene investigator and I believe has a degree in Criminal Science. Martian Manhunter seems to also be a very capable biologist(xeno or otherwise since technically everything human is Xenobiological to him), Superman with his Kryptonian knowledge has also been known to be able to handle a microscope(or microscopic vision). Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl have been very good battle field medics, as well as Green Lantern, and the Flash.

You also have 5 flyers in the group as well(you could include Batman when he is using his jets) so if need be you could pass off a "dangerous package" that needs to be disposed of instead of losing the services of a team member who's skills might be better focused somewhere else once he/she got back to the main group.

Another reason you need to do Justice League is because some of the Mixes/combinations of their villains has made for epic cartoonage so if you can properly meld it together in live action Box Office gold should be the first weekend you might make box office platinum(or even Diamond) by the end of the run. Whether you do the Injustice League, The Legion of Doom, The Light, The League of Shadows, whoever it will give you a chance to put some meat on the table for fans, look what happened when people came back from Avengers and told their friends(without spoilers) how happy they were that Joss got it right. That THIS was the Marvel movie they were looking for, that it was fun, action, character, everything. It really was a comic book come to life, and thats with everybody having to hear the "Over-hyped tag" especially as some of the costumes came out, some of the set pics were being leaked. And then you see it all together with all the trailers and even with them showing a good portion of the action scenes they still didn't ruin the movie, added together those overall picture really was more than the some of those parts.

Another big reason

 And (I can't believe I am saying this) you can even Trump Marvel by introducing Darksied so that when they finally do an X-movie with Apocalypse in it you can talk about how long it took them to show some stones. Apocalypse and Dark Side/Sied are World Enders, they are cataclysmic events all by themselves. Their Power Levels are almost at God status(or if you listen to Dark Side IS God status), you strongest can barely hope to contain them without possibly losing a part of themselves(Superman had to completely let himself go, no holds barred use all of his strength to stop Dark Side), Apocalypse is pretty much immortal they have been trying to kill him for almost as long as he has been alive. Introducing Dark Side also opens the door to other characters(Big Barda anyone), it would also help sell exactly how insane a threat is for them to decide we need to bring out ALL of the big guns. Dark Side has almost conquered the Earth on quite a few different occasions and Apocalypse HAS conquered the earth in some Alternate realities. Both use sadistic agents as the precursors to their arrival as this is about JL I will stick to Dark sides wretched minions. Desaad his sadistic torturer, Granny Goodness you know what let's just call her the Queen of FALSE ADVERTISING,

 Despite all Apocalypse has done in Marvel to the Earth SOMEBODY seems to feel that THANOS is the Darksied like being in Marvel, so I will put him up in there okay enough about Darksied.

 Now of course you can't do the Justice League unlimited movie, too many characters, unless you treated some of them like the Helicarrier support staff until they were called upon. Because just like the Avengers since the job is never ending so is the membership. I think the Justice League has a more rigorous screening process since damn near every hero in Marvel is a reserve avenger(what they are). So IF you do the first two or three movies right you could then use JLU to go ahead a possibly introduce new characters that you can give decent medium level parts to and maybe spin off from later. Justice League can be the box office gift that keeps on giving, sort of like X-men should have been since they have spawned or birthed members of damn near EVERY team in Marvel. Just saying Justice League do it, the possibilities could be endless

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