
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A day of thanks and introspection

By the desktop it is officially thanksgiving, and I had a weird thought in my head on thanksgiving I'm gonna sit and think about where I am, what I've been up to and how things have either changed for the better, stagnated or gotten worse. I've added some widgets to my page so things are about to get interesting, because the blog is the only place I'm gonna cut down on the cursing, so if you're used to (and while I have had some read ain nobody subscribed as of yet so it's some but who knows how many) the rather laid back and pg-13 stylings of  my Blogspot blog understand twitter is about to take you through a whole new door.

I've seen a few movies lately, I bought star trek, I just watched notorious for the first time, so I have plenty of stuff to talk about, and tomorrow I will officially have time to do it., and I plan to make use of such time to blog, tweet, and release a few pent up items in my mind. I use blogging as my own personal therapy whether angry, concerned, sad or exhausted hitting these keys allows me to free up some space in my head and as of late I really haven't had much time to do that, so on a day that I do look out. I plan to blog bomb these spots just random postings out of no where.

Who knows maybe I'll get blog spot above 35 or 40.  As for mile stones hmm I'm not really that big on celebrating them, though I do plan to make a big deal out of my 10th wedding anniversary, I found a woman to put up with me for 10 years whew she has to be a saint because I damn sure ain no angel.

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