
Thursday, November 26, 2009


Let's see what do I have to be thankful for?  A day off, as usual these are few and far between. A vacation next month with my wife you really can't have too healthy a relationship with distance because sooner or later you will want to feel the arms of the one you love. That me and my siblings haven't killed each other for another year, we are all opinionated people and lets just say if you knew us you'd be just as surprised as I am.

I'm thankful for some of the interesting people I have met here online for good or ill. It's kinda funny folks would think I am of the monolithic variety because of my skin tone and my political affiliation. Thing is just because I think one thing does not mean I am unwilling to listen or even consider another approach, just don't expect me to join your movement if it's half cocked and only directed at in some way shape or for dumping on me as the constant bad guy. How stupid do you think I am, if there is a problem that I am working towards fixing and you have no solution you just want to complain at how I am addressing the problem, yeah thats not an idea thats backseat driving and guess what if you are unwilling or can't take the wheel then I reserve the right to decide the destination.

I'm thankful for being black in america, there are somethings that one obviously cannot understand unless you view it through the right lens. I see how easily people ignore the truth around them because for the most part it does not effect them, their ignorance costs them nothing and their denial causes them to be popular. Problem is you can't get anything done if all you ever do is deny that something needs to be done, if you constantly say where you are is the best that you can ever be. I may not know the whole story but I do know there are many more chapters to write and that I want to be a part of that writing and that editorial process.

I'm thankful for being a man, not that there is anything wrong with being a woman. Hell so many things right with being a woman, but I kind of like the fact that I can help define something that many feel is lacking or invisible in our world today. Oh we have plenty of folks out there acting like tall children but not many willing to stand up and do the hard part, and it ain always glamorous or gonna get face time with a camera. But how often do you look at the dirt and realize without it you wouldn't have any food? I mean in all honestly without the base one cannot have a building. The bottom of the food chain is actually more important then the top. Because without the little stuff to feed the food of the big stuff guess what disappears?

In a puzzle there is no unimportant piece, because if you do not have all the pieces the puzzle cannot be completed. Oh there will always be folks who don't like the puzzle you picked, or the picture once it's completed or even will say they could do it faster, but regardless if you don't have all the pieces the puzzle cannot be finished. So I enjoy being the unique piece that I am and I'm thankful for a chance to help complete the puzzle

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