
Monday, October 18, 2010

Okay and now my blog has grown up a little bit

Though it was done with a whole lot of grumbling and tooth gnashing I have added disqus commenting to my blog. I like disqus I see it used on a lot of blogs and it seems to keep the comments well ordered and the conversation flowing nicely. Plus the "reply" feature saves a lot of unnecessary "are you talking to me" incidents. And as I am paying more attention if you flag a comment I will get an e-mail I hope we can all play nice but honestly if you make me start restricting words I will. Be respectful of each other while trying to get your point across(yeah like I get that much traffic, this is just a IF somebody decides to come over here and there is a flame war my booty is covered line. But I will delete your detritus and you if you try to get ornery), I understand a little disagreement but this isn't grade school let's try to stick to the subject at hand(or at least two digressions, what MY BLOG I get UNLIMITED DIGRESSIONS MUAHAHAHAHAHA, okay sorry power trip I'm back now muhah, *ahem* fully back now) and while I will not complain about books being written this ain the senate, do not try and filibuster the subject matter, I will read your ENTIRE RESPONSE, delete it and then in a response to your deleted response tell you why. So please don't be douchey it's not necessary.

Oh and hey you wanna tweet me, "Robins 8th and Walnut" rule again, IE my name is my address it's primal(primadata to be exact) and on twitter its PRIMALDATA hell most places it's primaldata. Thus it can be a good old fashioned "where's primal" episode if you like MOST TIMES it's me as was mentioned in a previous blog I did notice one time when it was not. Speaking of me hmm it seems until I get an old X box 360 to transfer my original profiles over with to a new style xbox 360 I am no longer primaldata 2005 nor primaldata 2007. Blows, big time, I have MASHED (grrrr DAMN YOU NO CUSSING RULE) bones(grr you know what word I want to use something about ya mama and how ya got here lol) on 05 I think I was a little notorious. I ain playing there are games on that system if you saw me coming you knew to 1st duck and then scream for help "mercy will be given at your funeral", I am sure I opined somewhere about the death of my poor month after launch 360 it was a trooper. The red ring of death ain have crap on it, I think it woke up from like 5-10 of them yes it had some issues, yes there were some games I could not play. But man the ones I could we were off and running. SO the king is dead long live the king, if I can't get the original primal back I will make a new one, cry profusely and then go take it out on some unsuspecting victims I know black ops is coming out soon though I doubt I will have a new 360 by then but maybe by the time the new RB6 vegas is out or gears 3, that would be sweet.

I believe I have attached everything about myself to the disqus so now you should be able to find my loud mouthed tail anywhere I respond, and I will respond. If it's too long for you(hey I'm a dude this are about the only penis innuendos I'm gonna get away with on this blog) they don't read or answer it. It won't hurt my feelings, if you do respond expect me to respond back(a lot more swiftly than I have been, ahem already apologized for that), if you don't like my response rinse repeat, either respond back or don't.  And again just because I disagree with you does not mean in any way shape or form I can't get along with you, this world takes all types to make its rotations each day. If I admit that I myself am an acquired taste how can I expect you to be swiss miss, if your a double expresso kinda gal, or a red bull cola kinda guy hmm? Again the drinks ain important I'm just saying we are all different sometimes we will agree, sometimes we won't agree and I find you no less a decent human being if we have yet to reach that agreement point.

And now we have a better chance to monitor said trek to an agreement, welcome to the world of DISQUS and mild comment moderation, you post it I'll come back later to see it and we'll make it do what it do baby

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