
Monday, October 18, 2010

Whoops, I goofed

It seems in my infinite wisdom I was being a bad host. I'm used to multiply what can I say and ANYBODY who has a multiply account will tell you when you get responses, they pop up on your main interface when you first sign in. So here I am looking at my dashboard seeing no alerts(which is of course because I have no comment moderation on who knew) and thinking okay basic boring blog nobody is out there reading. So I delve a little closer into my profile today to see why it is that my blog doesn't always show up to the people looking for me. And low and behold what do I see, why that people have been talking at me for a while now. Probably think I'm a great big doody head too because I never so much as gave them a hello(what part of no cursing, the A-team blog got a pass because well BA is BA and you can kiss it stuffy pencil pushing types).

Now that I understand how blogger does comments I promise to check for them more often in the future. Hell I have some pretty knowledgeable responders Sope(you know how you say that weird non word it's like you were just gonna say so but at a P at the end of it, just me oh well) I will be paying more attention to the comments tab in the future Mea Culpa, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it look ma 3 blogs in 2 days.  I appreciate all those who have come 3 (way more than I had imagined as I really hadn't talked about much of anything) and again feel free to drop me a line anytime hell you feel I'm waaay off on something I say thats why the comments are open you don't even have to sign in with your blogger account if you feel you need anonymity, use it.

Ta ta for now I think this might be close to the record for my SHORTEST BLOG EVER, woo hoo. Tweet ya later

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