
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Just because I held the door

Just because I held the door doesn't mean I'm expecting panties off and legs spread. That's silly, not only if I expected that but for you to think that. You could have asked me why instead of giving me attitude, was I trying to be charming and a gentleman yup. Because maybe me doing one, small, insignificant, inconsequential thing for you could send a little sunshine my way. A smile, a "thank you" something simple for something simple. Maybe me catching a door for you means my wife, mother, sister, aunt, cousins or friends could catch some good karma in return and have somebody do something nice for them.

I mean am I worth so little? Because you turned around and said "Thank you" or returned my "have a nice day" that now you can have my penis anytime. Did you ever think that it wasn't your attractiveness that got me to hold that door but possibly my fathers example, or my mothers love? I've often gotten into online philosophical confrontations over whether or not anyone(male or female) is owed a thank you for doing something nice. The answer is yes, a simple thank you would suffice and a smile with that thank you would be awesome.

I must be annoyed to be writing this, and as I detailed this somewhere else it must be a recent interaction that got my goat. Yeah, but I wanted to see if I could express it here again with poise instead of on wordpress. Wordpress would be too easy all that cursing, and since I was kinda pissed yesterday when I originally wanted to write it(no it wasn't all the young woman's fault I was hot, tired and annoyed already, but I was inspired so here we are) and probably would have succumbed to my acid tongue begging for freedom. Thing is the SECONDS it took me to hold that nonfunctional automatic door open for her and then close it, I could have been in the car worried about my own day. I saw her arms were full, she may not have seen the sign and I was already there, I mean why not?

That leads to the heart of the matter though right? Why not thank the guy who does hold the door? Now I was given a valid instance where the perspective gentleman turned around and said something vulgar, which while sad doesn't mean now every man since him doesn't deserve a thank you. I am not belittling the hell I know many women go through dealing with some of the dudes out here with no home training. Its embarrassing, thing is just like women I've been burned a time or two coming to the rescue. So if you and ya man are screaming in anger I may walk away if it seems non confrontational. If you seem to not know each other I may excuse myself through and if you want to leave I suggest you do it then. I couldn't even get a thank you so why should I play knight in shining armor? I mean you easily walked past someone being kind and courteous but you stopped for a full on fight with the one reducing you to body parts, I mean do you really enjoy rewarding that bad behavior? For all I know this is your actual preferred method of courtship.

Sounds silly huh, same way it sounds when you say someone who holds a door is owed nothing. Again I'm not saying drop down and get ya eagle on, or even drop him/her ya phone number a thank you and a smile something that simple could make both of your days. Also think of the example it sets, from a distance all somebody knows is that you too are talking. With how exaggerated things seem to be when watching TV for all you know an impressionable young mind in the distance is seeing oh this is how I'm supposed to act. If you want women to talk to you be physical, be aggressive don't be nice she didn't even wave or turn around for that dude. Same as if someone does something nice for me, they get a thank you, a smirk(I don't smile, it's such a rarity most probably view it as a harbinger of doom or something), maybe a little flirtatious banter(if they are female) and I'm off on my way. Maybe you are cute to me, maybe you aren't I will admit the fact that you were kind enough to hold a door or help me pick something up raised your stature in my mind about 5 points doesn't mean I will be exchanging "O" faces with you, or even trying to see if your a Tshirt and panties, Lingerie, or birthday suit girl it means I feel your parent(s) raised you well and I keep on going.  I know the fact that when in mixed company I am NORMALLY a gentleman makes my mother proud(I say normally cause act out and I go from nice and quiet to "And stay out" PDQ), that when in normal conversation I refer to women as ladies, women, girls, MAYBE a shawty here and there but I don't mean shawty as an insult. My father and I may not see eye to eye on many things but I also know he feels proud when he sees me deal with people, and especially the opposite sex.

Now before it gets around that I'm some Monk, yes I will look if a pretty woman walks by LOOK you have to be knock them dead gorgeous to get a whistle out of me(or else I know you and we are cool like that) and even then it's low not to get your attention but just to appreciate the fact that I saw someone so beautiful. I appreciate the female form just like any other straight male, I have my preferences in skin tone, body shape/size, dimensions and temperament if I feel that you warrant an ATTEMPT at conversation I will walk over. I say attempt because it takes two people to talk, if you ain feeling me I will thank you for your time and walk away. I won't get into what I don't want to hear but I will say if you ain feeling me a "no thank you" will fully suffice and I will leave you alone and wish you a nice day/great night. And even then I don't expect any booty just because you like my voice and look(if you like either), no offense but there are these things out there called STD's and pretty is no defense against it, condoms and in depth conversation are. If I don't get to know you I'm a damn fool and deserve what ever surprises I wake up with the next morning.

Enough this rant could go on and on, if you feel this is female bashing so be it. You can't please everyone and everyone does not have to agree with you, while you would be well within your right to complain about the idiots(excusing the typos of course) does the type of demeanor I have normally displayed on this blog lend itself to such idiocy? No, than recognize what the conversation is about or else move on to another post or if you feel that strongly another blog, I ain mad at you but if you don't like the content no one is forcing nor begging you to stay.

Hope you're having a great day, Y'all come back now ya hear
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