
Monday, June 6, 2011

The trailers for X-men:First class

I caught the 10:10 Showing of X-me:First Class last night, theater was packed even for that late showing, granted I was at the Paradiso it tends to get a lot of traffic anyway. So here's what popped up when the lights went down

Spy Kids All the time in the World

Jessica Alba as a retired spy who is trying to live her new life as the worlds best Step mom, until an old villain from her past pops up after a gift that she gives to her young daughter. Lost of over the top hijinks and stunts as well as a talking cybernetic pooch what more could you want in a kids movie.


A blue collar tale about a dysfunctional family. 3 men:a wayward father, a teacher who's life is starting to crack under the pressure of his financial obligations and a soldier fresh home from war. The father appears to be a drunk, he had neglected his family for far to long. The teacher is the oldest son/brother he has changed his life and his ways and has a family of his own to raise. The soldier is a war hero, he saved a fellow soldier while on tour. They are all brought back together by one thing:An MMA tournament to see who the greatest fighter in the world is, the Soldier is trained by their father, the Teacher is trained by an old friend. And as if fate has no mercy, the championship will be fought between 2 brothers

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

A Hollywood adaptation of the popular Swedish book series, I tried to redbox the original release once but unfortunately the disk I rented was messed up somewhere around the middle. This is kind of a mash-up trailer so I really can't explain to you what the movie is about past you know pretty Hollywood faces, heavy metal and special effects, one of these days I will read the books.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

A prequel movie, how did apes become super intelligent thats right HUMANS did it to themselves. You will see the genesis of our new ape overlords in this movie from one single baby chimp given a formula that is supposed to help the body heal itself to an Armada of apes taking the planet for themselves. As the official site says APES WILL RISE, this looks like it could be a good movie it kind of answers the questions left when Mark Wahlberg returned home in the original Planet of the Apes reboot.

These were the four trailers I got to enjoy before X-men:First Class, I also notice that Fast , Priest and Thor were all still at the Paradiso so it's nice to see that the early summer blockbuster releases still have legs, here's hoping this is a great movie summer so that we can get sequels for those that deserve it and possibly see some lower tier or less known characters come to the silver screen in the next few years.

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