
Thursday, June 30, 2011

New "series" on the ponderings:Sequels vs Remakes or Reboots

Near the tail end of May beginning of June I was trying to write a blog on my phone about Sequels, Remakes and Reboots as I was looking forwarding into the "Summer Movies Season". As we had a new "The Fast and the Furious" movie out (Fast Five), a new Xmen movie coming (X-men:First Class), another Transformers sequel(Dark of the Moon), and another Captain America reboot(Captain America:First Avenger) lightning struck in my mind. Why not talk about said differences between the types of movies as well as give my opinions on each, as well as whether I like said previous installment, attempt or incarnation. This of course was an immense undertaking filled with phone crashes(and thus lots of key strokes being lost), work stoppages due to my actual 9 to whenever, and the same basic malaise that has cause my reviews of X-men and Green Lantern to STILL be delayed(yes I know I should be Fonged).

So what is my goal for this "series"? I guess first it's to bring up some of my favorite movies whether they be sequels, one shots, or cultish. I will like some movies that others did not, some may like movies that I saw as "meh", thats the glory of individuality we can actually sit down and discuss different things that we like or didn't like and hopefully  have a civil conversation(and for those who can't be civil *eee eee eee eee wop wop*, my best mental imitation of the PacMan sound when he dies, your comments will magically disappear) about our favorite movies past, present, and planned. I had a thought last night as I was going through my drafts (as previously mentioned in the Dump post) first - instead of doing THIS blog as some huge all encompassing try to fit every movie I am thinking of just within this post monster that could go on forever I break it up movie by movie, hell even do a few about the "Holiday/Seasonal" movies and remakes(for example A christmas Carol, it often gets remade so people can connect with newer "younger" actors) because in essence that goes part and parcel with my thoughts that certain movies are made because you have a "built in audience". Like with comic book characters, many of us have fond memories of those old Claymation  holiday specials: "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer", "Frosty the Snowman", "Little Drummer Boy", "Jack Frost" and let me stop there(I'm a Christmas Eve baby I may hate the incessant remakes of the songs but those old Christmas specials hit a soft spot). I used to sit down with my parents and sibling(s) and watch them during Christmas vacation and on Christmas day while opening presents, I would consider that a built in audience it's a story you know I want to see and it is pleasing to ALMOST everyone, I'm sure there are some scrooges out there. Same as Patriotic movies in the US around Memorial Day or Independance day, they are movies that will resonate with a certain part of our hearts, and I have no problem with them.

The second thing that crossed my mind is that many of these movies that I went to see in theaters I like(many not all) so why not also do a review of said DVD/Bluray once I purchase it and give my thoughts on what I like about the disc and the extras included. I mean I happen to be one of those folks who watch the movie once it hits stores and then watch almost all of the extras. And I don't know if I mentioned it before but I buy blu-rays because I happen to own the only blu ray player amongst my immediate family, it may sound selfish but those of you with close relations know how you become the video store. Oh yes you go get that great movie that everybody likes(doesn't matter if it's action flick, comedy or drama) or that old dusty that maybe not too many folks have heard of you put it on the TV when relatives come over and then when you put it up later you find it missing. It ain missing, somebody "borrowed" it while you weren't looking so that could see it again later. Whether on the original trip or some secondary trip for a different reason your movie is gone. I also like Blu-rays because more room on the disc means POTENTIALLY more extras, plus the bonus Digital Content Disc you get sometimes which allows the movie thieves to take the DVD while leaving you the Blu-ray to enjoy later. So hopefully while I work on the X-men and Green Lantern blogs before I watch Transformers I can also get this series up off the ground.

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