Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I'm thinking of doing a dump

Yes all of these posts that I have sitting in draft collecting dust, I'm thinking of either posting them all or else thinking of going back to edit them into something that while it encapsulates the original post it allows it to be more relevant to the present. I mean the post I did on black ops, as of now I haven't played black ops in a few weeks(ever since the debacle with the internet after the storm and then Playstation network went down), the review for Tron:Legacy, thats been languishing since December, hell it's about to hit cable if it hasn't already. I actually did a post about being halfway done with a few movie reviews that somehow got flushed. Wait I remember now that was when I found out that the blogger app was saving the posts to my blog but no longer allowing me to edit them, yeah it was weird but it happens.

The downside of course to just posting random items with no future editing or work is that if they were a mess(which anything I have yet to post usually is since, while I will never claim to be king editor, I felt it obviously needed more work or changes before I posted it.) and I prefer to post blogs that people actually like to read. Yes I know some of my posts may be a little long in the tooth for some, but hey my blog and I will be as detailed or as flighty as I like. I do appreciate all who have slogged through my posts in the past, and for those who felt compelled to comment thank you, your input has been greatly appreciated. The more thought I give this dump I probably will go with the latter, find a way to rewrite them so that while it's still say a review of Tron:legacy or me talking about my further endeavors in Black Ops it not only brings forth my original thoughts but also shows how my feelings about said items has grown or waned with the passage of time.

Another issue with doing a dump of course is well, if I dump them will they be properly linked. I like to think that those who have come through appreciate that I have collected what I thought were pertinent links to the items I was addressing in my blog. It's not perfect, and some of them may seem trivial, but if I say get the inscription from Mjolnir, or the oath of the Lanterns off of your site I try to link to you and give you your proper recognition for being a source that I myself used. Now yeah Black Ops you know where Treyarch's site is or can google it, but hey I wrote the article why not put it there for you, and I'm sure as big as Disney is it wouldn't be hard to look up either Tron movie on their professionally built site. Thing is, why should I be lazy, why shouldn't I endeavor to put everything I can in my blogs instead of forcing you the reader to do it for me.

Now not surprisingly as I post less my weekly views have plummeted, yes it's to be expected no I don't like it thus why i am posting this and trying to mentally get off my butt and post a few things. Now I don't want to post everything in one day but I do want to get a few things out by friday before I go see Transformers, and yes that will then be 3 movie review blogs I would be behind on this year(though the trailer blogs are up to date so YAY, small miracles are still miracles). I hate being behind usually I can push myself on to finish them at the last minute but as of late I've been extra distracted and I need to fix that. If this post is any indication though I still have the ability to put out a post of decent length in a nice amount of time, it's not really too focused I mean how hard is it to say what you WANT to do, especially when the only research required is that which is in your mind at last I checked the doors to my own brain are always open to me. Well usually open sometimes alcohol or lack of sleep have me looking at the world through fog and my memories through dishwater. Not good I know, but who doesn't sometimes burn the candle a little long at both ends, show of hands, oh well you with your hands up are angels and the rest of us are giving you the stink eye.

Enough, I hope everyone has a great Tuesday morning(yeah yeah marking I know, but honestly there are a date on these things so in essence while the topics discussed may not have a tense, at the moment, you can see that this is old content) it's raining here in the midsouth so here's hoping the power stays up(yes the other reason I am hurriedly posting this one)

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