
Monday, May 6, 2024

So should I do parts, numbers or go back to mark up?

 Good day readers, I don't know when I'm gonna post this or when you might read this but there is an issue afoot. Some of you may have gone through some of my older blogs and seen that a few of them had Page 1, Page 2, and maybe even a page 3 when I got long winded. Here's the Tea as the kids may say, I had to basically go back and build that script table myself, Like I would change it to HTML view, copy paste where I needed to HOPEFULLY properly add in the page numbers and BOOM, bootleg pagenation. the obvious problem with this of course is the amount of time it took to: write the blog, then edit the blog, and the DO the MARK UP for said blog before it was posted. Now as I had done this a few times apparently I knew what I was doing, and if it didn't work correctly I would QUICKLY go back and correct it. Thing is, I ain trying to spend that kind of time over here anymore. Like I get that Blogger has gotten old to Google, but seriously you can't just ad a pagebreak?

Is it really that hard, I'm sure other blog sites that I am not currently using(save WordPress which does have it) allows it, so why oh why don't you? Yes the blog for the most part has given way to the Vlog, and the Vlog to the podcast, but seriously you still allows us to run ads on these chumpy pieces, why not at the SMALL TINY little detail. Now yes maybe every one else doesn't have diarrhea of the keys and ideas but come on, you can't tell me NOBODY doesn't want to break up their content a little bit?

Like boom, I just did a SINGLE return to give me a new section(almost did the double but I'm trying to make a SLIGHTLY different point here), and yes my writing style is more conversational and confrontational than narrative. But when I write these type of posts it's just how it flows. I don't think I've ever written any stories on here(mainly because like myself in many a situation my characters will cuss), but if I were to I damn sure don't want to have to CONSTANTLY create pages just to get the point across, thus why I write stories on WordPress. I would LOVE to write stories on here(maybe) maybe something light, maybe some sort of FAN FICTION, not that I could wrangle my ideas enough to actual finish a fan fiction, but it MIGHT happen. If I had a long winded review, like for the Flash Movie I would need pages because LAWD was that movie a hot mess. Also could use it for Black Adam, Shazam II, and Blue Beetle, which I would give much more positive reviews on. I will stand on the fact that if they wanted to do that part of Magical DC properly they would have done a movie about the wizards, Gods, and Tree of Life. Then they would have done a story about Black Adams son and Teth getting the power. THEN you do Shazam one, possibly Shazam II and then you do the Black Adam movie that we got. Put together like that it would have been a cohesive story, with a good foundation, not a back and forth between nobodies.

And by the way, stop blaming the Rock for not wanting to fight Shazam but fight Superman. DC Comics has a long history of Sand Bagging Shazam for the likes of Superman. So if you are TRULY a big bad/building yourself as an anti-hero do you wanna fight the trash or the cream? He's a wrestler, while heels do beat up on Baby Faces, out the gate you have to look tough against the best. As for why NONE of those movies make money it's simple, the people talking all that trash online about "we want anti woke movies" ain got ANTI BROKE POCKETS. Talking trash on the internet is mostly free, movie tickets and merchandise cost money. 

Whoops sorry slight digression there. The point is for SOME of those things I MIGHT want to make some points that required a few pages. The Flash movie I'm gonna want to curse up a few pages so that wouldn't be over here anyway. Might I talk politics over here sure, I don't care about the tik tok ban, tik tok ain the FIRST shortform app and it won't be the last. And by the way EVERYONE is offering the ability to do short form content, so it ain JUST the government wanting it gone, it's the other companies who feel tik tok was lightning in the bottle and they need time to catch up. My political leanings are well established on this blog, and yes I'm still a southpaw. While I am not anti accountability, I am anti cancel culture. Because cancel culture is a short memory, spur of the moment, don't have all the facts event. Where no one admits they are wrong if someone is FOUND innocent, acquitted what have you. If you can run ya mouth when you think you are right, bring ya loud mouth back and take ya medicine if you are proven wrong or if nothing else proven not to have the whole story. Being wrong or mistaken isn't a bad thing being a stubborn, unmovable backside is. 

Okay I think we are approaching bleeding eye territory, maybe not but my main point is, if I want to be long winded I wish blogger made it easier. Yes I could look it back up as I did way back when, keep a copy of it handy, mark out WHERE I was like my page breaks to occur and then do the mark up. But it's 2024, its a small feature come on now give us a bone.

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