
Monday, June 3, 2024

The problem with taking a decent hiatus from creativity

 I mean it's simple really, it's hard to restart it. I mean my writing hiatus was easy to understand: The world lost it's mind. Yes during Covid one would think people who write, people who game, people who create content would have it easy. But honestly in the MIDDLE of a storm you are in survival mode like everyone else. Yes I was still streaming at the time, but for me that was different. I was gonna game ANYWAY, this way if you were interested in a game I was playing, while I might not be the best at it at least you could see someone having fun discovering a new way to go. So streaming for me was less about the audience interaction and more about sharing my enjoyment with a game if you decided to show up.

Now with writing, I love yall but lets keep it a buck RARELY do people interact so I never really know which way to go. The movie reviews stopped because the theater down the street from my house closed and I didn't have the time to at least ponder what I wanted to say about the reviews on a brisk walk home like when I started them. Like to this day I have a BUNCH OF TEXTS about the various trailers I saw if I made it to the theater in time, but I didn't do anything with them. 

Then of course we have the issue of me writing the reviews at all, I was off writing so I didn't even trying the best you MIGHT have gotten from me was some interaction on the former twitter. The world has become a little toxic, and I think I have figured out why. People think if they don't ADMIT they are wrong they are technically winning. Especially if you try to see things from their perspective thus give them the attention they want, without requiring them to accept the common ground of truth. It's weird I didn't grow up that way, it's one thing if we didn't have all the facts and things were muddy and unclear. OR and this is a big one it was a SUBJECTIVITY THING where you know I like Mint Chocolate Chip Ice cream(the green one) and you are like a strawberry or chocolate fan. Technically we are both right and wrong, the best flavor is the one you prefer on you tongue. By the way, I hit the half century mark this year I ain pausing anything. If your mind went there, you feel uncomfortable, or wobbly, that's your problem I said what I said and if you need clarity ya better open up ya mouth and ask for it. 

Another thing, I am a strike while the iron is hot while I am in the mood type creative and my mood has been in an abyss lately. Around the time of my last youtube post my car got broken into, all my tools were stolen, and basically it dosed my mood. I was already more in EDIT mode than Game mode, but honestly that took the sales out of even that as I now had to focus on replacing all my tools, including tools I didn't know where missing. Like I don't know about you but when you get violated like that not much happy funshine is leaving the old train station. And while NORMALLY gaming would help with that, it didn't so I stopped. And like stopped cold turkey, I stopped creating content and just consumed it while hunkering down to buy more tools. It allowed me not to think about "My Stuff" while of course being all consumed with rebuying all the tools I had collected over the years to make me better at my job. I don't know how to describe the empty feeling I had, especially knowing AT BEST they probably got a quarter of what everything they stole was worth. made me change a whole bunch of habits. 

So why am I back writing? Because I got a letter from Google telling me to update my various crawlers on my blog. And of course if I check ONE BLOG, why not check the other on Wordpress which of course got me to write a few on there(as well as post some that were prewritten and fit a question already in my mind), oh FAIR WARNING I curse like a sailor over there so if you have virgin eyes welp that warning was given. I also wrote a few erotic stories as well. Anyway wrote a story or two here, and there and now I am trying to get my self back to editing videos. That's hit or miss as well, but like I said with my mood in the dumps I didn't have the drive for it. Most of my tools are replaced now so HOPEFULLY that changes soon. Okay got this off of my head, I may or may not write a blog about that Terrible Sony State of Play OR finish a post about my thoughts on a comment I heard recently about how SOME PEOPLE feel about gaming. Once again, gotta have the creative juices flowing and figure out what I was trying to say. 

Until next time

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