
Monday, June 10, 2024

My first ever 500 view video, woohoo

 This is truly a momentous event, especially for a small creator like myself. It also comes with an EXTREMELY funny story attached to it, because if you asked me a few months ago what I EXPECTED to be my first 500 view video it is technically a newer one. This video comes from Starfield, I can't say my playthrough because I ain actually beat the game yet. I haven't even started the main campaign, one of the things I love about Starfield, and it involves a certain Bethesda staple. The ability to grab items to use as battering rams or grabber arms and knock items off the shelf so that you can move them to a private area and SWIPE them. The thing is this video is a slow burn on the views, I had one video that hopped up to like the 400 view level in a couple of days but it has stagnated. Here's the link to the video Starfield, stealing the magshear now granted I didn't use the trick of upping the difficulty before I did it, nor did I save the game a bunch of times to get the ADVANCED mag shears which are stronger.

I just did something I never really had success with before and stole some pretty decent weapons. The only real problem with this weapon is getting AMMO for it. Even in it's base form it does a lot of damage(as seen in a later video of me completing the Mantis Quest). It does a lot of base damage and if you get your Weapon Engineering up high enough, as well as a certain perk it does a whole lot of damage. Burns through ammo like paper but the damage is elite.

Now if I am hones with myself I was PROBABLY way too low level for that quest(seeing as I had to leave to get more ammo and come back) but if you have the right weapons and you are willing to duck and dodge damage is damage. Lessons I learned on that mission: Guns that set you are fire are your best friend, nothing better than seeing somebodies health tick away while you are hiding to reload or else replenish your health. Vasco is great at a bullet sponge and a decoy, until he isn't. I said what I said. 

The funny story is behind the video that I THOUGHT was gonna hit 500 first, like I said it got 400+ in like a week to 10 days, hell it's at 493 right now. and then it just STOPPED. It was a video of me sneaking on to a ship of bounty hunters who had landed in front of me, pffft I'm already posting links might as well post that one too: My other 490+ video I haven't had any videos climb this high since, I don't know if I was doing too much afterwards in the editing, if people were tired of Starfield by then, or if my Titles just suck(like I understand you gotta catch people where they are and Gen X humor is hit or miss outside the generation). But yeah it may not be much to your average youtuber but I think hitting 500 views is kind of awesome.

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