Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Its Hump day, the course has been altered but the sea stays the same

Its Wednesday November 3rd 2010. If you lean liberally as I do right now you are licking your wounds. You are wondering what you could have done more of, where you didn't get the message out and why has the system forsaken you.

Now that I've given you that moment to lament, look at what day it is. Yup its hump day, the day you have to push through to get over the hump and make it to the weekend. It is also the day we MUST learn from our mistakes. We got into mudslinging contests with people who were under the misconception that we were scared to get dirty. Problem is we then proved them right by trying to stay above the fray.

This CAN NOT HAPPEN AGAIN. We fooled ourselves we acted like we didn't see what it was gonna take for us to keep moving this country forward. Is the taste bitter enough in your mouth yet? As much as I am a Marvellite when asked how I see america I will always say batman. Some say superman, but we are not invinceable save for one element, we are not all powerful and we are not from some alien world being mild mannered until a crisis comes along.

We are not spiderman, we do not get beaten down in the beginning only to go back think up a solution, whip up a new specific batch of web fluid and head out to kick some tuckus. We don't have a its all on us comples either, that if we don't hold on no one else will. Nah sorry spidey is a little too sensitive to be america.
What about wolverine, well one he's Canadian so um no. But two at least for the moment we are no longer "the best we are at what we do". 30 years ago I might have conceded that, now I can't we've allowed ourselves to become complacent, preachy, whiny and self righteous. Huh? I don't understand right.

Why we(America) are batman: We prepare for any eventuality and have a million tools, gadgets, vehicles, uniforms and connections/outlets from which to attack an issue. But we are hard liners, we will do what it takes to get the job done but in our ideology we are absolute. This is OUR COUNTRY, keep your problems out of it or we will deal with them expediently and how we see fit. You may think us extreme at times but the methods will work, whether the outcome is the one you would have sought is not our concern.
What we do is our solemn duty for those who came before us. Maybe when we lost them we were not strong enough, wise enough or resourceful enough BUT NEXT TIME we got something for you. You may not beat us but you may be able to distract us and get away. If you do we will raze everything in our path to find you and exact our revenge. Allies, friends, associates, dependents we have a job, the job is everything, NOTHING stops us in completing our job. We have contingency plans in case we are delayed or incapacitated.

If we ask for help it had better either be prompt or else we will go on without it.

Right now Democrats are being too much bruce wayne and not enough Dark Knight. We are being to friendly with those who possibly may have a similar goal, but its focus is sharper and more defined to a certain end. We have only be playin even with them instead of 3 steps ahead. That now has to change. They run a portion of the legislature. Time to see exactly how badly they want to double down.

Democrats in the house need to start suggesting bills and holding town halls. Every teeny, tiny, insignificant constituent concern needs to start becoming their main talking point. MSNBC better be on speed dial and CNN too. Go on fox from time to time and berate their hosts. Become a face to the people in your district and around the country. Make the republicans have to govern, make them proved that 100% of the american public is their concern not just the top 2%. And the senate is going to have to grow a backbone. As a few key blue dogs are gone it is now time to unify the party and say "the american people want results, they want to see them, they want to know the process upon which we reached them, and they want to know we fear for our jobs". No the republicans can't just throw anybody up against you, but they can smear you on TV they have proven to be wizards at that.

It is time to have a mudball waiting for them so you can throw back. You want to dirty fine, let's get dirty let's see how dirty you are willing to get for America. Their constituents are being fed by fake emotion, and false messaging. Show the true concern and urgency and shine a light on the messaging. The more we expose the loony, unhinged, specious side of some of these arguments we have lost, not because we lacked the facts but because we tried to have a political conversation with a liar. WE tried to explain away their lies instead of making them prove it.

We made them show us the money this campaign season and it took bucket loads to knock of the ones they did. And that's a good thing, because now there is a real, tangible cost in their mind of how much that job cost them. They will either govern wisely and we all benefit or else they will continue their pattern of intimidation and disruption and have spent 7 figures for a 2 or 6 year job. That's hard to swallow for someone SUPPOSEDLY business savvy ya feel me.

Make taking the house from us worth every penny, force them to work the bill on every level and make sure every T is crossed and I dotted. Because remember that energy they road is was ANTI incumbent and at the time each house had D next to it. And they beat us up 24/7 for that, well now its time to go ahead and remind America how hard it is to govern regardless who is power. When you lead extremists the first person in danger is always you because sooner or later their irrational desires will become demands.

And they have shown the lengths they are willing to go to get what they want. GOOD, I want that fire under tea party elected candidates buns because it means the ranting and the raving they did again us will be pointed at them now. Right at them, and if you think they hate democrats, remember how they were treating "Rhino's" oh they will have a field day.

Yeah its a good day, may have a few lumps, bumps and bruises but my legs still work and I can still see my destination on the horizon. Who's coming to join me

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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