Thursday, March 31, 2016

The first mens outing for 2012(1/22/12)

I don't know if I wrote about this last year when we all decided to meet up in the bowling alley on Winchester to basically bring one generation together with the next. It was me and a few of my older cousins, my uncle and a bunch of the youngsters the reason was simple, quite a few of us had died recently many not making it out of their 30's. I mean yes some of the older folks had gone but way to many 30 and unders were no longer here to go to the family reunion and talk to, just give them a hug. A couple of them died due to accidents or outside non natural forces. And a few of the soon to be oldest of the family decided we needed to start reaching out and pulling each other together.

Now we had hoped to do this more often but last year got hectic we met in October, had planned to meet around Thanksgiving but that fell through and December is always a weird month for everybody(especially a Capricorn who's mother is a Sagittarius, and who's anniversary falls within the same time frame) so this time I decided hey I have all these new toys, why not record the outing. After a few fits and starts(basically shutting off my wifi connection because something kept freezing up the camera) I got the camera rolling and while I didn't catch that many faces(I know I should have placed the camera a little higher, but where I had it kept in in font of me and basically surrounded by us). Now by camera I mean the rear facing 5 mpix camera on my Toshiba Thrive now yes recording a full 45 minutes was a little much on my HD and I will probably once it gets done uploading here move it over to my laptop but hey if it plays it will be the first video I ever uploaded. Nothing fancy the sound will suck, we will be rowdy but this is what it looks like when me and my family go out and have fun.

In life sometimes you get so busy you forget to appreciate the people around you, and before you know it you go from thinking "oh well I will hit them up tomorrow" to "damn I meant to call them the other day". Now while we had fun this outing wasn't as seamless as the first one, this time we got there a little late. By we I am of course referring to Lank, Ero, and myself Kitsune was given the time of the meeting(6:00 pm central) but NEGLECTED to pass it on to anybody else, not that I was doing anything hell I was laying around the room counting bumps on the ceiling Lank was working. Now being as we hadn't done this in months my score was kinda low, I mean it was respectable(I bowled a 124, highest of the folks playing) but I missed so many spares it was ridiculous plus we only got to bowl one game so I never really got into a groove any thing over 100 is nice but I wanted to win and well I showed the score at the end of the vid.

I think if we had another game Kitsune would have calmed down and bowled better, I probably would have bowled worse I have up and down games like that but hey with Ero and my cousin D losing a few games to some weird glitch where it would just knock the pins down in your second frame I didn't feel so bad, hell I damn near finished with a turkey.

I forget what happened to the video that goes along with this. I got halfway done after we bowled, started waiting on the video and then NADA. Oh well, we did have fun. We also did a few more of these but they have since fallen to the wayside. This one could have really used some editing, now by followed by a now yes. Forgetting to write delete after probably, meh it was a fun time regardless.

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