Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Technical difficulties

The Vaio is acting up, I know its a software issue, I know I need to do a system repair unfortunately I have no clue where my original XP disk is. That means to this either A) wipe and reload the whole shebang(which ain happening too much data and stuff on here) or else find a new PC at a decent price and slowly work on the vaio later. And by slowly I mean just that, do the HD upgrades I was planning to do, do the memory upgrades and possibly throw windows 7 on there.

Problem is it sucks for blogging right now, my Firefox constantly crashes, Chrome refuses to work, and IE is IE so anything I'm trying to do is hamstrung by browser issues. Now its a minor monetary setback but I'd rather do it now than later, I use my PC too much not to have one working on all cylinders. I've been trooping through these last few weeks, but as it gets worse my path is clear. Its been acting crazy for a while but at 6 years old its more than given me my money's worth.

Hell I was hoping to replace in in say year 4 or 5, thing is first off Sony stopped making desktops(boo hiss) and second the desktops out there really didn't have the features I wanted at a pricepoint I was willing to pay. I'll reach for Sony because their products last and are almost always cutting edge when you get them, others not so much. Now since I do have a potential opportunity to get a decent pc, with an okay sized hard drive at a low price point that should be powerful enough to do MOST of what I want I'm going for it just have to wait til payday. Granted this may mean the X-men:first class blog is delayed until I get it. I also don't know what movie is hitting theaters this week so I may end up a few blogs behind, that's okay I will get back up to speed soon.
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