Monday, June 10, 2024

My first ever 500 view video, woohoo

 This is truly a momentous event, especially for a small creator like myself. It also comes with an EXTREMELY funny story attached to it, because if you asked me a few months ago what I EXPECTED to be my first 500 view video it is technically a newer one. This video comes from Starfield, I can't say my playthrough because I ain actually beat the game yet. I haven't even started the main campaign, one of the things I love about Starfield, and it involves a certain Bethesda staple. The ability to grab items to use as battering rams or grabber arms and knock items off the shelf so that you can move them to a private area and SWIPE them. The thing is this video is a slow burn on the views, I had one video that hopped up to like the 400 view level in a couple of days but it has stagnated. Here's the link to the video Starfield, stealing the magshear now granted I didn't use the trick of upping the difficulty before I did it, nor did I save the game a bunch of times to get the ADVANCED mag shears which are stronger.

Monday, June 3, 2024

The problem with taking a decent hiatus from creativity

 I mean it's simple really, it's hard to restart it. I mean my writing hiatus was easy to understand: The world lost it's mind. Yes during Covid one would think people who write, people who game, people who create content would have it easy. But honestly in the MIDDLE of a storm you are in survival mode like everyone else. Yes I was still streaming at the time, but for me that was different. I was gonna game ANYWAY, this way if you were interested in a game I was playing, while I might not be the best at it at least you could see someone having fun discovering a new way to go. So streaming for me was less about the audience interaction and more about sharing my enjoyment with a game if you decided to show up.

Now with writing, I love yall but lets keep it a buck RARELY do people interact so I never really know which way to go. The movie reviews stopped because the theater down the street from my house closed and I didn't have the time to at least ponder what I wanted to say about the reviews on a brisk walk home like when I started them. Like to this day I have a BUNCH OF TEXTS about the various trailers I saw if I made it to the theater in time, but I didn't do anything with them. 


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