Friday, March 31, 2017

You must protect the Zeo Crystal

Earth the Paleozoic era, a great battle has ensued because the Power Rangers have been betrayed by one of their own:The Green Ranger. Rita Repulsa has attacked her fellow rangers in an effort to capture the Zeo crystal of Earth and increase her powers, Zordon and his fellow rangers had attempted to stop her, but she was much too strong for them. In an effort to save the planet and the crystal Zordon grabs his fellow Rangers power coins, buries them, and has the dutiful Alpha 5 call down a meteor. This Meteor Knocks Rita into the proto ocean and obliterates all signs of the mighty battle that was fought.

Which brings us to a few weeks ago in Angel Grove, Jason the star Qb, Captain of the football team, and everybody's favorite guy is about to blow it all, for about 15 minutes of fun. That ladies and gentleman brings us to today's detention, Jason is dropped off by his dad, wearing and Ankle Bracelet and a knee brace as he is doing he is stuck paying for his crimes. On his way down to detention he passes Kimberly, a cheerleader and a cutie. When he gets downstairs he sees Billy a young autistic boy being picked on, he doesn't know Billy, really doesn't care he just doesn't truck with bullies. After backing down the young wanna be tough, he sits down not to far from Billy. Kimberly gets a text messages and asks to be excused to the bathroom, there she finds some of her cheerleader pals, who in what can only be described as a poor attempt at a mean girls impression tell her they are done with her and basically taunt her hoping she ends her life. She stairs at the scissors handed to her longingly and then makes a DRASTIC change to her appearance(well, only drastic because everybody saw her walk in with a different hair style). The three teens have nothing in common but detention, but as only fate could have it that was until this very Dark and Starry night

Power Rangers

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Dear Readers

Hey, this week has been a bear. Finishing up a large site at my day job so the Power Rangers review is coming. It's just gonna be a couple of days late, it was basically get home, fire up my laptop type a few sentences and crash, yes even the night owl is human. For those who want a quick synopsis: Go see it. It's a fun movie, it takes great care to balance the weight of the responsibility with the fun of first finding out you have super powers.

Yes there is teenage angst, yes THIS is the Power Rangers team Zordon ORIGINALLY asked for in the show. They aren't you perfect paragons, they are basically the breakfast club with super powers(yes that will be in the review). Some people had a problem with the Megazord (Eikichi, BUT I will back my youngest brother on this it's not exactly the classic) but the team was fun and the actors did an awesome job.

Next up SHOULD be Ghost in the Shell, I don't know if Smooth will be there, he kind of flaked on us last weekend(work related though) but we are all anime fans and Westernizing anime characters aside it will hopefully be a fun romp. And I may get into that in a later blog, because it does beg for a certain amount of discussion because if you have ever WATCHED an anime, characters tend to be Racially Ambiguous or else have features not regularly seen in Asians(Blond Hair, Blue eyes, Orange hair, Red Hair) but again that will be discussed later.

Monday, March 27, 2017

The Trailers for Power Rangers(2017)

Yes, yes we went to go see the Power Rangers no it wasn't as fluffy as the after school TV show, we did enjoy it but of course the review comes later. This is the up and coming movies for the rest of the year, there were some animated numbers, we had a fantasy offering, a "kids/coming of age movie" but enough of the Jibba Jabba here are your trailers

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

I'm not that guy anymore

James Howlett has had a hard life, it is obvious he is old but in his waning years all he wants to do is drive his limo and collect his pay. Unfortunately his nap is cut short by a few young hoodlums trying to steal his tires. He stumbles out of his car, and tries to ask the men to leave the car alone that they are just going to strip the chrome lugs somebody pulls out a shotgun and shoots the goofy looking old man.

Now NORMALLY that would be all she wrote, but surprisingly the old man stumbles to his feet and asks the young men to stop again. Well if we can't shoot him, let's beat him up. And that, my dear friends, is where they messed up because that shaggy bearded, weird haircut having old man used to go by ANOTHER name there are a pair of dog tags sitting somewhere that say Wolverine. And while the song warns you about tugging on Superman's cape it should also have a verse about pissing off the canuckle head. While baseball bats are weirdly clanging off of his flesh and bones a visceral growl can be heard and out of nowhere a slow sickening *schlikt* can be heard. Adamantium claws are loosed from their sheaths and men are sliced into like butter. One looses a leg, another an arm, and the survivors run from the crazed beast who appeared out of some beaten down old bum.

James then gets into his cab and drives to pick up his riders for the evening, some old Gambler, Some young men partying out on the town, a bachelorette party, and in the morning a funeral. While he stands away from the mourners a woman runs up and calls him by that OTHER name, Wolverine. He doesn't know her and goes back to his latest fare, telling the patron "I don't know who that crazy lady is, she confused me for someone else." Later on, while sitting in front of a hospital a strange blonde headed man hops into his car to ask him some interesting questions and calls him by yet another name:


Sunday, March 5, 2017

The Trailers for Logan

Yesterday was an early day for the movies, as the previous post states Eikichi had a baby sitter for Saturday, Smooth was trying to fill EVERY second of the day with "structure" and I was just trying to see a movie dog. It was almost a complete disaster, Smooth was late and Eikichi was grouchy but we got the movie in the review for which is now due Tuesday(two days, even for a Comic Book movie). It was a relatively packed theater, the lack of an after credit scene may not generate the need for constant rewatches like Avengers or even Deadpool did. That ain what we here for right now though.

So here they are your 4 and a half(I'll explain at the end) trailers/coming attractions I often wonder if they are the same for everyone or if it's just random but it all begins with those fateful guitar licks

Saturday, March 4, 2017

It's movie day Bub

Yes you read that right, movie DAY. Eikichi obviously has a hot date tomorrow so he asked that we go to the movies today, and Smooth is trying to jam everything into his Saturday possible.  So we are headed to go see Logan for the 4:30 show, like literally the second this posts I am headed out the door to get Eikichi. In the age old parental tradition of dumping your child off on the grands so you could get a moments piece the Moose(my nephew) is out with his grammy most likely terrorizing both his grandmother and aunt. He is a ball of energy, and that is probably an understatement.

Anyway I'll probably do an in/at the theater post if not you know movie trailers will be up tomorrow and the movie review SHOULD be up Tuesday. I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Throwback Thursday(Non Traditional)

Since I have actually been writing quite a bit lately I don't have as many posts sitting in draft here or on Wordpress as I used to. So I decided to grab an old post from here for there and I guess I can grab one from there for here. I just gotta decide which one. The issue is of course THE CURSING, oh I let loose over there, it's my vent blog or should I say my FULL VENT blog I vent over here I just don't let it all loose like I do over there. So anyway since this blog tends to be PG-13 I will endeavor to:

  1. Warn you if the Content is above PG-13
  2. Make sure that I keep the Clip of the title I choose PG-13
  3. Pick a post that is hopefully worthy of the trip to vulgar land
  4. Give you a non vulgar synopsis over here
I have chosen the post, in my current state of employ we used to do a lot more work on computers and laptops. I am pretty sure this experience is similar for anyone who works on peoples personal devices and is most likely everyone's worst fear to find(to quote NPH) someone else's love juices on the device they ask you to repair. Oh yes, it's true I can't remember who gave me this piece of defiled electronics but I know for a full 6 months I was just like ugh. I ain even want to shake their hand no more, cause I don't care what you say you could have at least wiped off the screen.

  • The following Link is to a post that has content of a Mature variety
  • Image(s) on said post may be offensive in nature
  • Language in said post will be offensive in nature
  • Mind bleach may be required after reading


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