Monday, June 10, 2024

My first ever 500 view video, woohoo

 This is truly a momentous event, especially for a small creator like myself. It also comes with an EXTREMELY funny story attached to it, because if you asked me a few months ago what I EXPECTED to be my first 500 view video it is technically a newer one. This video comes from Starfield, I can't say my playthrough because I ain actually beat the game yet. I haven't even started the main campaign, one of the things I love about Starfield, and it involves a certain Bethesda staple. The ability to grab items to use as battering rams or grabber arms and knock items off the shelf so that you can move them to a private area and SWIPE them. The thing is this video is a slow burn on the views, I had one video that hopped up to like the 400 view level in a couple of days but it has stagnated. Here's the link to the video Starfield, stealing the magshear now granted I didn't use the trick of upping the difficulty before I did it, nor did I save the game a bunch of times to get the ADVANCED mag shears which are stronger.

Monday, June 3, 2024

The problem with taking a decent hiatus from creativity

 I mean it's simple really, it's hard to restart it. I mean my writing hiatus was easy to understand: The world lost it's mind. Yes during Covid one would think people who write, people who game, people who create content would have it easy. But honestly in the MIDDLE of a storm you are in survival mode like everyone else. Yes I was still streaming at the time, but for me that was different. I was gonna game ANYWAY, this way if you were interested in a game I was playing, while I might not be the best at it at least you could see someone having fun discovering a new way to go. So streaming for me was less about the audience interaction and more about sharing my enjoyment with a game if you decided to show up.

Now with writing, I love yall but lets keep it a buck RARELY do people interact so I never really know which way to go. The movie reviews stopped because the theater down the street from my house closed and I didn't have the time to at least ponder what I wanted to say about the reviews on a brisk walk home like when I started them. Like to this day I have a BUNCH OF TEXTS about the various trailers I saw if I made it to the theater in time, but I didn't do anything with them. 

Monday, May 6, 2024

So should I do parts, numbers or go back to mark up?

 Good day readers, I don't know when I'm gonna post this or when you might read this but there is an issue afoot. Some of you may have gone through some of my older blogs and seen that a few of them had Page 1, Page 2, and maybe even a page 3 when I got long winded. Here's the Tea as the kids may say, I had to basically go back and build that script table myself, Like I would change it to HTML view, copy paste where I needed to HOPEFULLY properly add in the page numbers and BOOM, bootleg pagenation. the obvious problem with this of course is the amount of time it took to: write the blog, then edit the blog, and the DO the MARK UP for said blog before it was posted. Now as I had done this a few times apparently I knew what I was doing, and if it didn't work correctly I would QUICKLY go back and correct it. Thing is, I ain trying to spend that kind of time over here anymore. Like I get that Blogger has gotten old to Google, but seriously you can't just ad a pagebreak?

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Hi, how ya been. This world is a strange and sometimes cruel place isn't it

 The last post published on this page knew nothing of covid, it had 3 siblings, one niece, and was chronicling a guy on a pretty decent journey to improve his health.

Then 2020 happened, the world shuts down. I say my health can wait because we can't really go outside ANY DAMN WAY. So I trade my salads for whatever damn thing I want to eat, No more smoothies just whatever I felt like eating and just going with the flow. Then the end of the year happened, and Eikichi goes down. I don't know if I've really gotten over this because, how does the youngest go first. Me the former Nihilist, the guy who can't stand sunshine, and could darken a rainbow is still here and the funshine guy is gone. I am still kicking myself because, as an older sibling my last thoughts were being annoyed with him. Because I knew it was gonna be okay, I just knew it. Not one of us, we are tougher than that. Until we weren't, and devastation is an understatement. Okay, I got two nieces including one who's dad is no longer here and I gotta be strong for. So here we go, munchkins second birthday but no dad. And oddly enough she gains an aversion to the birthday song. 

My nieces are little bundles of energy and joy. One of them loves to hug you, the other one judges you with harsh eyes that belie a lovely smile(That I rarely see, unless she is stealing my drink). So as the hug Mooches birthday approaches, my sister is in a tizzy, why because she wants my nieces birthday to be a big deal. She is who she is, she has her issues but hey how can I be mad she wants her nieces birthday to be a big thing. And then she doesn't make it. I wake up to the news that she passed in the night, and now there are two. Frank the Tank and the Lankness monster, who is probably tired of me telling him to wait his turn. Like I know survivors remorse is a thing, but MAN is it a heavy weight to carry. Oh yes I have done PLENTY of fun things since the last blog I ever published, hell since the last blog I ever wrote(It's in drafts on this blog). Truth of the matter is though, The pen has fallen silent, the music has kind of stopped. The entertainers are no longer on the stage, and while it may sound dramatic it is true. While we are all "cut ups" to be sure, Eikichi was the only one to actual be a part of theater/drama club and the Auntie was the one who did all the other performance type special activities. She actually took art courses, so yeah I think it is really safe to say that "the performers are no longer on stage." I don't know where I was going with this. I mean since I had done the work to fix the tags and stuff, I didn't feel like editing the last post I created(I need to edit it and WHEW do I not know what I was talking about) so I just did I hi, I'm here. I'm not back but I am alive. Let us see where the world takes me now. Oh and you can always check out my youtube or tik toks. I'll give you two guesses what's in the name ;)

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The day the Plus died...

It's April 2, 2019 so no this sad tiding is NOT an April Fool's joke. It is a day that Many digerati were probably ignoring but now have to circle back and pay their final respects. There is nothing like sending a farewell to a digital home. When you first discover them it is always an odd feeling out process, you are either too good for it, not sure about it, don't know anyone, or find out EVERYONE that is there were people you were trying to avoid any damn way.

And then, you mess around and hit your groove on said site. Google plus was that speakeasy, that juke joint that you found cool cats at who GOT IT unlike some of the other social media sites that were chock full of ads, games, and various time sinks monetized to the gills and selling access to you to the highest bidder AND at the expense of your privacy.  Normally the end of a site comes when it's parent company falls off or sells Googling ain failing no time soon so, what happened?
I think the very thing that drew so many folks to G+ was ALSO the very thing that sank it: Super Privacy. While you could post publicly most of us had HIGHLY ORGANIZED circles, I could post music videos, Movie trailers, porn, a blog post, and nerd fare within the same 30 minutes and unless you were in said circles you either barely saw anything (thus judging me an uber: perv, nerd, audiofile, or self promoter) or else you saw it all and realized I was some random ball of meta. Which if you are looking to poach good ideas, take the "pulse" of society, or else just be nosey IT SUCKED. I think I personally may 4 public posts a year on my MAIN page, the page tied to this blog of course got an update every time I posted to this blog. I won't deny that I tailed off towards the end of my time on the plus the same as the sparsity of me blogging on my various sites but I did still check in pretty much every few days. I got into great conversations met some awesome people and even got into fun arguments about: Sports, Movies, Comics, Politics, Music, and a million other things.

But if we WEREN'T friends like that or connected in other places, CRICKETS. which even though I see pieces of the things introduced through Google plus all over the internet (I bet your favorite youtube podcaster uses Hangouts on Air) some how the media narrative for Google plus that it was dead. Which yes if you WEREN'T in a lot of circles it could seem that way. Or if you didn't know the name that a good friend of yours decided to use on G+ you may never find them, which might have been the plan. You could be YOU without having to worry about family and friends finding out exactly how deep the YOU rabbit hole went. You could be responding to a religious person scroll down and HEY BOOBS, and yet the religious person would be none the wiser unless they were sitting over your shoulder.

For those who don't know I am Primaldata everywhere : Sameoldprimaldata on youtube, Primaldata_2005 on twitch and mixer, Primaldata on Twitter. Not so much "Brand Recognition" more like I just feel easier to find that way. I mean I could get all mushy about this but I like many other tailed off with social media in the last few years. I don't want to blame 2016 or the toxicity that seems to have bubbled up since then. I think like a lot of folks I just needed a mild step back from some things digital. I refound twitter, I am gaming more now and there are only so many hours in a day. I will have to find a new social media home and I will get right on that, just like I will get right on to writing my next movie review(and yes I have been to the movies a few times already this year)..

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Second verse same as the first or..

The OPEN Beta for Anthem just started Feb 1st, so of course I am playing that too. as my first thoughts post just dropped I will also be getting into what changes/fixes they may have accomplished(so far setting out on expeditions ain a problem no more so that was cool) while in the INITIAL VIP demo they only wanted you to get 2 javelins to try out(you started out with the Ranger and then once you hit level 12 you got ONE unlock token for the second Javelin of your choice, I chose storm) but now in the OPEN demo/beta they are allowing you to drive all of the Javelins. So I will ATTEMPT to use all 4 and see what happens as I stomp around as a Colossus(Meat Shield no Jutsu), flit around in the Interceptor(Ninja Death Fairy), continue sending elemental pain with the Storm(Dr. Strange's Iron Man armor), and damage deal with the Ranger(basically War Machine, lots of guns decent armor, lots of BOOM).

I do like that there isn't too much handholding in Anthem yes they may show you where to fly to but once the fighting stars do you boo boo, BUT they may want to provide better quest maps, we couldn't finish the strong hold last night because either someone else had just defeated the damn big bad or else we couldn't find where it expected us to go. Either way a decent in dungeon map would fix that. Maybe in the next update. As I mentioned in my PREVIOUS post, I am not fully sold on Anthem yet, but I am intrigued. If they had Origin Premier available on Xbox it would probably be worth the hundo a year to be able to play this game on the 10th, but as far as dropping 55 or 72 on it we gone have to play it a little bit more which I plan to do today. See you in the skies freelancer

First Thoughts: Anthem Demo

Okay, so if you have been reading EITHER of my blogs for a while you know I am a gamer, I own an Xbox one, Pay for my Xbox Live Gold yearly, and my EA Access yearly(on my Xbox, Sony does not yet allow EA Access on PS4). One of the BENEFITS of EA Access is that if there is a DEMO for a game coming on, EA will give you VIP early access to it just like you had PRE-ORDERED the game. I made use of it for Battlefield V caused me to buy the game at launch. I liked and still like it, I haven't played it as much recently as I have gone back to Forza 7 a little AND I am grinding on Black Ops 4 but I do like the game it is still fun. I use the 10 hr previews when games launch as well that EA gives with saved progression for if or when you buy the game. So if I decide "Hmm, this game is okay BUT MY BACKLOG DOH..." I don't exactly have to start from scratch.

So I saw the Anthem Demo was out, downloaded it, played an hour or so of CoD and then was like okay, lets take this Javelin for a test run


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