Showing posts with label random thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label random thoughts. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The day the Plus died...

It's April 2, 2019 so no this sad tiding is NOT an April Fool's joke. It is a day that Many digerati were probably ignoring but now have to circle back and pay their final respects. There is nothing like sending a farewell to a digital home. When you first discover them it is always an odd feeling out process, you are either too good for it, not sure about it, don't know anyone, or find out EVERYONE that is there were people you were trying to avoid any damn way.

And then, you mess around and hit your groove on said site. Google plus was that speakeasy, that juke joint that you found cool cats at who GOT IT unlike some of the other social media sites that were chock full of ads, games, and various time sinks monetized to the gills and selling access to you to the highest bidder AND at the expense of your privacy.  Normally the end of a site comes when it's parent company falls off or sells Googling ain failing no time soon so, what happened?
I think the very thing that drew so many folks to G+ was ALSO the very thing that sank it: Super Privacy. While you could post publicly most of us had HIGHLY ORGANIZED circles, I could post music videos, Movie trailers, porn, a blog post, and nerd fare within the same 30 minutes and unless you were in said circles you either barely saw anything (thus judging me an uber: perv, nerd, audiofile, or self promoter) or else you saw it all and realized I was some random ball of meta. Which if you are looking to poach good ideas, take the "pulse" of society, or else just be nosey IT SUCKED. I think I personally may 4 public posts a year on my MAIN page, the page tied to this blog of course got an update every time I posted to this blog. I won't deny that I tailed off towards the end of my time on the plus the same as the sparsity of me blogging on my various sites but I did still check in pretty much every few days. I got into great conversations met some awesome people and even got into fun arguments about: Sports, Movies, Comics, Politics, Music, and a million other things.

But if we WEREN'T friends like that or connected in other places, CRICKETS. which even though I see pieces of the things introduced through Google plus all over the internet (I bet your favorite youtube podcaster uses Hangouts on Air) some how the media narrative for Google plus that it was dead. Which yes if you WEREN'T in a lot of circles it could seem that way. Or if you didn't know the name that a good friend of yours decided to use on G+ you may never find them, which might have been the plan. You could be YOU without having to worry about family and friends finding out exactly how deep the YOU rabbit hole went. You could be responding to a religious person scroll down and HEY BOOBS, and yet the religious person would be none the wiser unless they were sitting over your shoulder.

For those who don't know I am Primaldata everywhere : Sameoldprimaldata on youtube, Primaldata_2005 on twitch and mixer, Primaldata on Twitter. Not so much "Brand Recognition" more like I just feel easier to find that way. I mean I could get all mushy about this but I like many other tailed off with social media in the last few years. I don't want to blame 2016 or the toxicity that seems to have bubbled up since then. I think like a lot of folks I just needed a mild step back from some things digital. I refound twitter, I am gaming more now and there are only so many hours in a day. I will have to find a new social media home and I will get right on that, just like I will get right on to writing my next movie review(and yes I have been to the movies a few times already this year)..

Sunday, May 27, 2018

For the THIRD weekend in a row I have gone to the movies

And yet, no reviews(semi haven't been feeling them), No trailer blogs, Nothing. I will ATTEMPT to rectify that today as tomorrow is a holiday. You can hold me to it, I just might let you down. In case you are wondering, I went to see Solo: A Star Wars Story. Yes the movie about everybody's favorite blaster packing scoundrel, with the Giant Furball co-pilot, and the Quirky ship we all want to fly. Wasn't that many trailers, but then again Unlike say MARVEL Studios they don't have another movie til most likely NEXT year.

But yeah I am going to attempt to do a trailer Mash up post and see how far I get through it. If I get done it will post sometime tomorrow most likely while I am on the grill. If I don't welp it will just be another quiet day now won't it. Writing slumps are hard to break, especially when you don't even touch the keyboard for anything besides Youtube or Googling who was in what. It has been a bad year for writing as far as my moods have been concerned, even this is typcrastining. I'm typing out this thoughts but avoiding really saying or doing anything. So yeah IF I can get through it, I will make some type of TRAILER post or 2. If not, WELP can't miss what ya wasn't looking for now can you.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

The New Blogging Process

Okay, so now that I have had 2 posts come up(the second of course took a lot of POST publishing code work) with pagination I guess from now on I type out a blog, use the draft of said blog to copy and paste between the content spots, and then post the content the next day(or that evening/afternoon if I type it up fast enough). It should make for some interesting blogs going forward now that I can be wordy but not have to worry about having a huge word wall. As previously stated I don't know if it will be a so many paragraphs per page thing, so many paragraphs plus media thing, or a how dense a paragraph a thing before I decide to break it out into extra pages. But I am going to keep working at it until it becomes second nature and the more comfortable I become the more I will go off on even wilder tangents. It's going to be fun recounting more stories of my past as well as creating short stories that I don't have to figure out where I am going to break it up to make the second post at first, I can just kick back and say "page X" which of course has been one of my biggest hang ups.

And as mentioned I may go back and edit some OLDER blogs to add the Html to them at least 2 pages worth. I don't think my reviews will be too far over a page an a half maybe two but my opinions on things(or X I want to see made) those will be a little wordier from now on and better formatted. I'm sure you have noticed some changes with the pages, some of the wording and spacing. Yeah that is on purpose, I often check back to see if the blog is user and vision friendly. And that really is my contact information so if you have a complaint you can hit me up there. You can also comment anonymously, I haven't had an issue with people bugging out yet so that option is CURRENTLY still open. If it gets abused though yes I will cut it off.

Happy Thursday to all, I hope you had a good one and if not I hope it ends in a great nights sleep and an opportunity to kicks life's butt tomorrow

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

They were on sale

A few months ago, through a client we acquired a Keurig single cup coffee brewer. Yes, yes I know bougie as all get out but it was free, mainly because the little holder for the K cups was missing (someone probably threw it out by mistake) and the person had just went ahead and bought a whole new unit instead of waiting around for that small little piece. SO we got a come up, "Go team Venture" we of course ONLY having to buy that little piece didn't have that much outline (it was like under 10 bucks) and as we are all coffee drinkers have been enjoying various K cup coffees(or making bleh faces, cause not all are winners) ever since. Now yes, I know if you have known me for any amount of time you will now that I USED to say "I HATE COFFEE," Hot Chocolate, sure. Tea, definitely wanna add a color to it:Black, green, white, red well lets gone ahead and party. But coffee nah, not over here pahtnah.

Then the Ex Spouse started working at a satellite of a big chain coffee shop inside a nice sized chain big box establishment, granted she wasn't the ex at the time so of course I tried to find something said chain sold, which I did find. A mocha latte with a few shots, a couple of pumps here and there and viola, a daily morning favorite is born. Of course just because I have a favorite doesn't mean I can always get to it. I for all intents and purposes work out of my car/vehicle, Always moving around but not always moving towards my morning caffeine. Which can leave my less than cheery morning demeanor to be down right ogreish(and anyone who impugns my character to say I am always ogreish can get stuffed), which is why the K cups can come in handy. Now I have found a few that I like:

  1. Hot Apple Cider
  2. Chai Latte
  3. Caramel Latte
  4. Caramel Cappucino
  5. Hot chocolate

Thursday, February 9, 2017

THROWBACK THURSDAY-My theory on job creation(6/2/10)

This is what I think would help I keep talking about it I have posted it in various peices around the net but never in one full front to back easily reference able part. Why post it here, simply put the rules on this blog pretty much force me to remain serious as well as use more responsible language(IE not cursing)

The PrimalData American Manufacturing revitalization plan:

Any "American" corporation with less then 95% of their total labor force in the united states of america is stripped of any and all tax considerations given to "American" businesses. If the corporation imports products into the united states of America from a foreign port to sell in the united states they are subject to normal duties and taxes as well as a 25% penalty on those products. 

reason:them building these items in a foreign country is costing american citizens jobs in hopes off padding their pockets and thus profits. So if you are going to negatively affect the citizens here you are going to pay for it.


meh, I may redo this one day. I think I started this on a slow day while watching MSNBC or something. And yes I have often talked about this with various people who: 
  • Probably haven't had a job in a while
  • Don't understand HOW our tax and tariff system works
  • Really don't care about creating jobs, they just want to be contrarian
  • Haven't researched ANYTHING that they are saying, if it sounds good SCREAM IT
I don't mind a good debate, the problem is half the time on the internet you can't find one. The people who "pretend" to take the other side aren't actually taking a side, they are just trying to start some kind of conflict. Lots of name calling, some cursing, some complaining to an imaginary ref, a lot of conspiracy theories they try to pass off as fact or research, and a general lack of understanding of anything other than what they WANT to be true. It used to be more fun but they are so easily manipulated that you kind of realize it isn't so much skill on your part as it is incompetence on theirs

Monday, May 9, 2016

Let the games begin

Eikichi has finally seen Civil War, which means we can now talk about it AND just like most people who left the theater, his face showed just how much the MCU is now changed. This was a war for the hearts and minds of the Marvel Cinematic fandom, and honestly nobody won. You watched it, you felt it, and you walked out scarred. There was no victory won in this movie, this was kind of like that "set up comic" you know where the hero is left licking his wounds trying to figure out exactly how bad he underestimated the villain.

I'm not going to say it's goblin throwing Gwen Stacy off the bridge diabolical, especially since this was more fortuitous and opportune but it was still the perfect set up. The dust settles and then the tornado comes in, and not just a dust devil, no an F5. To hell with the house, the foundation, the block, the whole city may be gone when it's all done. And the why, the why is even sympathetic. Nobody has clean hands on this one, not because people didn't try but because nobody is truly perfect and sorrow and suffering can take many forms. One man's grief resolution can be another man's vengeance, spite, or execution. Revenge is a dish best served cold and fire, microwaves, gas or electric ovens have ALL disappeared inn this one. It was hard not spoiling this for Eikichi, you wanted to tell him about it and yet you didn't want to prep him too much. Because you needed to take all these body shots, yes the chin shot was coming but those body shots were meant to build character maybe you were knocked out maybe you weren't but you learn something about yourself after all those body shots. Even that slight twist of fate, the person who wanted to drive in the knife and twist it changed NOT because two peoples mother's had the same name, no because as disrespectful as it sounds the original knife holder was a NOBODY, it wouldn't have mattered at all. No it would have been okay, but it would have been a cheap trick, unsatisfying, unredeemable, but no when that knife is grabbed from the table you completely understand it and you might even cheer for him, forgiveness at the ready.

Friday, May 6, 2016

After the shortest post ever

Yup Tonight was Movie night, the reason the previous post is so short simply is the battery on my phone was dieing. So I clicked out a few quick words, threw some labels on it and BOOM posted it before the phone shut off on me. So yeah due to circumstances beyond anyone's control it was two not four enjoying civil war tonight, what can I say flat tires suck Donkey Balls. SO yeah Eikichi missed out, which means I have to be on a 24 hour hold about talking with him about the movie, afro is a great movie buddy but he kind of likes to enjoy the movie and then move on to something else.

So yes, a trailer blog will be popping up shortly. Sometime Sunday evening or Monday morning the review blog will be hitting your screens and after that who knows I may go see it again as well as do a month later full of spoilers. I haven't decided yet, I just know that I am in a great mood. Marvel just knocked another one out of the park and one of my favorite comic book characters stole the show, like he is supposed to. By the way, IF you are going to see Civil War STAY TIL THE VERY END. Yes it's cheesy but it is so worth it

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Well at least I'll be clean

I know, it looks like I'm OCD right(then again, they aren't really symmetrical are they) but while I was taking my sister to Rite Aid I remember, "Damn I'm out of body wash" so I roll in and what do you know, bogo don't know about you but two for one is right up my alley. What I didn't know was my sister was gonna be nice and buy me some as well, so now I have soap for who knows how long. My preferences are the outside ones, but hey free soap is free soap. I'm all about a clean booty and I hope you are too.

So now I am the king of body wash, I knew I wanted a bottle didn't realize I was gonna end up with four. Anyway this is a throw away blog, if you like Irish Spring body wash, and you live near a rite aid, and have a rite aid plenti card I say stock up. They have quite a few Buy one Get one free items. Otherwise I will create a real blog later. I don't know if I want to share my concerns about the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice movie(which yes I have quite a few, I know I wrote that I wanted to see a justice league movie but I have concerns), I also know that I put up a TT blog about Green Lantern(yeah the one that got erased) and I actually want to go into what was wrong with that movie, because the whole movie wasn't terrible, Like Daredevil it had a lot of good going on with it, it's just some of the delivery that fell short. For Daredevil it still made quite a bit of money, for Green Lantern it was just a terrible taste in peoples mouths. I also want to get into my hopes for the upcoming Wonder Woman movie, how I feel about DC picking a second Flash for their movies(and them not making it Wally West, that way you could tie the two universes together or hell make one Earth 2), my hopes for the Suicide Squad movie and what I think of the supposed Harley Quinn controversy.

Like I said this was just a "Hey cool deal going on til Saturday" type blog but I'll get to the real ones shortly.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Mirage

I see it there, I see the tops of it's gleaming parapets over the next rise
It's bright lights gleaming seductively, calling to me, just a few more steps
Sometimes I think I can make out the name, a fuzzy H maybe is that a P I think I see an S too
My lungs burn with the effort
My legs on fire, jellied by my constant trudging
I'm this close though, I can swear I hear the hustle and bustle
Mr Softee tilting address
The sounds of summer, giddy children
Dogs are barking, cars humming and life continuing on
my windburned face and sun baked visage an unnoticed stranger
I'm on the road not yellow bricks but blistering asphalt
but that's progress. First it was dirt, then gravel and now pitch
already I imagine the errands I am about to run
first I need to find a comfy seat with some good food
a tasty beverage to kick the dust bunnies out of my dehydrated throat
You know a new pair of shoes would be nice
as trust worthy as my current foot wear has been it is just as travel weary as I
I can make out the sign better now
I almost thought it read peace but no
It reads happiness and I am almost
the wind blows dust into my face and I sneeze violently
my eyes close and my head starts ringing
I wipe and open my eyes ready to continue my joyful thoughts
only to see
to see
a ghost town laid out in front of me
I still hear the sounds, I even have the smell of some good pie in my nose
but the town I am on the road for is no longer happiness
happiness it seems is still in the distance
this town is despair
I look around me, blink a few times, even shake my head in case it is a trick
My feet still ache
the jello attached to them wobble slowly forward
and my lungs belch dusty pain
but I do not have time for despair
I started this walk to happiness and dammit happiness is where I am going to be

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Plans for the night

As rare as it is FINALLY a late night has knocked me off my normal center. I slept well into the afternoon and it wasn't even a Sunday(which is my usual lazy day) so tonight I plan to get back to reading the books I got from the library, continue to watch some more Ikki Tousen Dragon Destiny (I would recommend watching the first season otherwise that vid will make absolutely no sense), possibly try to find some news from my Eagles preseason finale(who am I kidding I will be on the webs watching the whole thing), maybe trying to swing a ride to pick up the new Madden(what this will be the 3rd one I have bought in the current gaming generation 1 360 and it would be my second ps3), more goofing off on Facebook and possibly do some google+ ing not unlike facebook while I get a lot of interaction on plus, some days I just ain there. These lulls of mine aren't just limited to my ability to write a blog and be satisfied with the content(and yes if I don't like it I refuse to post it, same as with a comment. I am evil with the backspace key if I don't feel engaged enough or dislike the quality), speaking of content seems a lot of people have been stopping by as of late(not according to google analytics but she is such a hard taskmaster to please anyway) I thank you, hope you enjoying. I know since I rarely post anything controversial here(me lack controversy, the unmitigated gall but yeah here no cursing very little controversy what can I say) I don't get too much reader interaction but then again I have gotten some, and not just from people who know me.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

No movie this week

Those who have come by frequently may be expecting me to post the trailers for a movie either tonight or tomorrow but as the only movie that I wanted to see didn't play at the theater down the street I decided to pass on the movies tonight. I wanted to see Columbiana that suspense thriller staring Zoe Saldana as the young girl who's parents were killed in front of her as a little girl and she grew up to be this awesome hit woman. What can I say I love those "spy" type movies. Hanna was good and so were the Bourne movies so another in the list why not. Unfortunately the Malco 12 at Raleigh Springs isn't showing Columbiana just Conan the Barbarian(on for a second week I guess it got enough ticket sales to remain), Don't be Afraid of the Dark(yeah didn't make my socks roll up and down either), Final Destination 5(*Ahem* you know it kid of defeats the purpose of saying FINAL Destination if you keep making sequels, and I will now sit down with my hypocrisy and play the next FINAL Fantasy game, what I admit i'm a hypocrite can you), Rise of the Planet of the Apes(good movie), and the Smurfs(Seriously, yall are still watching this movie? The Smurfs are in New York City HELLOOO they live in a forest, inside mushrooms way back in the time of kings and castles I just, something is wrong with yall).

This is NOT a review

I just want to say that after watching Captain America:First Avenger I was so relieved. I'm 36, do you know how many HORRENDOUS Captain America movies they have made in my lifetime. I think as far as my most hated goes it has to be The Beach Ball shield, I may do a write up on that one for the Sequels vs Reboot/Remakes series but just off top how on gods green earth did that crew get a chance to touch a marvel property. If ever you wondered why Marvel stayed away from the movies for so long it's because of crap like this

Monday, August 8, 2011

Still no reviews

I know I know, what happened to the movie reviews. I dunno I just haven't been able to wrap my mind around writing them lately so I haven't anyway I decided to start adding the actual trailers to the blogs about the movie trailers I go see. I don't know if that will remain a constant I guess it depends on whether or not I feel it slows the site down too much. If I feel it's too much of a burden I will just switch out to links of the trailers.

Saw Cowboys and Aliens last night, I liked it I know I'm a good week behind on all of my movies but hey as I get to there I get there. Once November gets here there is no more walking to the movies. They are closing the Raleigh Springs Malco 12, its been a slow process as they close down theaters, take out games and cut down movie times. I'm just glad that for the most part it has gotten a majority of the movies I have wanted to see. Now that Summer Movie season is starting to wind down while I still want to go to the movies I will probably hit them less since well time is neither on my side nor will it be in my favor. It doesn't surprise me that they are closing the theater after the big summer blockbuster season but before the start of fall and winter breaks, get your last big hurrah of cash out of the site and then close it before it becomes difficult to close. Once the theater closes I have no clue what I will do for entertainment, I guess I can start walking to the comic shop which is only a little bit further down the street. It's about the same expenditure of cash and it's actually something I can walk home with. So one vice for another I guess, it has been a fun summer even if I wasn't able to keep up the blogging.

This is at the moment at best a hobby, and like any other hobby it requires time, sometimes I can make time for it others my time is best used elsewhere as I continue though to blog more hopefully it will become even more second nature so that the amount of time it requires to think up what I wish to put in a post takes less time. I haven't gotten to the "ooh I have to outline every thought before I go off on a tangent phase yet", but I may be near the "hmm lets write down a few things I definitely want to touch on". I think I am still fighting against such rigid constraints because at least for a while blogging would stop being fun and would require some work, mentally not there yet. I think I am getting better, could probably stand to proof read a little more than I do, but just like drawing the more you write the easier it is to write. So writing I am, even if it's fluff updates like this.

You can contact me on twitter, tumblr, or hell hit me up on google plus (button stage left) as soon as I find a contact widget I will gladly add it in if there are any questions one doesn't want to leave in a post but wishes to ask me directly. I get enough spam as it is not to want to release my e-mail address because who wants spam.

Friday, August 5, 2011

I guess it's better to write whats on your mind than to try and force it

While I have quite a few posts languishing in draft at the moment I am doing a post for  the "Sequels vs Remakes and Reboots" series focusing on Spider-man, one of my favorite comic book characters. For those who don't know Sony Pictures is Rebooting their Spider-man movie series starting back from the beginning with Peter Parker in high school. The name of the movie is "the Amazing Spider-man" after the long running comic of the same name. Supposedly it is taking a slightly darker tone more along the lines of the Ultimate Series, and one of the things I'm happy about is a return to the Web Shooters which are an iconic part of the Spider-man universe.

Geektyrant and Thinkhero as usual have great coverage with many different vids, images and opinions on the entire process from the initial news of Spider-man 4 being canceled for the reboot to the casting of the new Peter Parker, to high res images and video clips. Of course some people are upset about the change from Tobey Macguire and Sam Raimi to Andrew Garfield and Marc Webb. but in my eyes the reboot allows us to see some of the iconic Spider-man villians re-imagined, brought back to life, or brought into the timeline. I won't deny I have always HATED the Gobby costume from the first movie, I thought it look stupid and forced almost as if they were trying to upgrade not only spider-man's origin but also his villains costumes. For the first movie nah it didn't work not at all, it was just a disaster, I loved Doc Ock's costume in the second one, Sandman's costume was pretty good too, Venom Sucked and Gobby Jr, was meh. So as far as I am concerned Sam Raimi was 3-2 and 1  with costumes. Spidey's costume was good, Gobby's costume sucked, Doc Oc was good, Sandman was good, Venom SUCKED, and Harry/Gobby jr was in the middle he was supposed to be wearing the original goblin costume but in real life he probably would have had an updated costume with better functionality made. So I will let that one be a push.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I didn't mention it because I was hoping it would GO THE HELL AWAY

If you have been observing the weather channel as of late you will notice that the devil appears to be enjoying a nice long vacation. By that I mean down here in the midsouth hot is a damn understatement, it was 106 yesterday, let me repeat that it was ONE HUNDRED AND SIX DEGREES yesterday(yes for only like 2 hours between noon and 3 pm but ahem the 104 it was residing at for the rest of the damn day was no freakin' peach either) now I don't know about you but last time I checked this wasn't the Mojave and I was trying to enter the world of Rango. I know this used to be the doorstep to the old wild west but that was then and dammit this is now, Land of the AC home of the slushie. I shouldn't walk out my front door and immediately begin sweating like I just ran 2 miles.

There's warm

There's Hot

There's too hot

And there's "I'm not that idiot who doesn't believe in climate change, global warming or that we are damaging our planet so could you please quit playing and turn the air back on"

Monday, June 20, 2011

Ding dong the random Element is dead

Look at my blog my dear bloggers notice anythig missing. Come on look closely now, hmm don't know where to look? How about under the blog name? Still no

That phantom non working, non registering "Search Box" that has been up there for months has finally been axed, at first I was afraid to do anything to it, I mean what if I screwed up, what if I went to cut it out and destroyed the wrong code. That was really my fear, trying to snip out that useless search box that only returned error messages and killing something I actually wanted on the page. But I've taken the plunge, snipped a little code here and there a viola, search box gone. Now I just have to go through and complete some more blogs for this month(this one not included, this is fluff nada). I hope all those fathers involved in their children's lives had a great fathers day, I am not amongst your numbers but I appreciate the hard work many of you do and the backlash you take due to the ones who could care less. As usual you can't complain to the one who doesn't show up so you take it out on the one who does.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Raw postings lately

Some of the raw posts you see popping up from me as of late are because I was doing it from my phone with no net access or power. Others are because I want it at least up first just in case there is an issue I'll fix it later.

Now for those wondering what I mean by "raw" is basically as is when created. Photos all clumped up at the top, no links, possibly no labels, no further info than what was in my head while I was tapping my keypad. I "borrowed" the term from the anime sites I'm known to visit. When an anime is first uploaded and no subtitles have been added the anime is posted with the caption *Raw*, that's a warning that if you don't speak Japanese or the native language of the show you just gonna have to wait. You can watch to see the action but you'll have no clue as to why things are popping off.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's enough to piss off a goat

Me and the bredren(I may add a picture to this later if I can talk my mother into making them stand for a photo Muahahahahahaha, yes I will use my mother to further my blog. I'm the oldest that is only mildly EVIL) want to go see Thor tomorrow, Kitsune has yet to set up an e-mail so he can't complain on this blog about being forced to take a picture now that he's all anti social, now me and Lank(celebrating his 24th year last week) have never been to Imax before and were hoping to catch one of the Summer blockbusters on Imax. And with the way the trailer looked we hoped it MIGHT(y) be THOR(yeah yeah, marvel homerism in effect), but unfortunately DENIED, now maybe it will be brought to Imax later but for the sake of this blog I want to see it opening weekend(even if the review is still a day or two late. What I'm human) so we will probably hit the Paradiso tomorrow, unless Lank flakes and then I will have to try and hit The Malco 12 at the Raleigh Springs Mall for the last showing(at 7 something, seriously somebody needs to talk to them about that) Kitsune might join me he's a pretty good movie buddy, even if more mercurial than myself(and that is saying a LOT).

But Thor will happen tomorrow,  I mean I guess it sad really and being the oldest some of the blame could fall on me for us NEVER going to an Imax showing, I mean I don't really know where the Pink Palace Museum is and the regular theater was always so much closer especially for us tended to procrastinate souls. But I guess as a bonding moment we wish to experience the GLORY that is a 300 ft screen(I just want to say if I ever make it OBSCENELY rich, I'm renting it out for a few days to watch the full Star Wars saga and possibly Lord of the Rings, yes the rest of the tickets will be given to some of the local area schools so the kids can watch too if the teachers allow it, but I want to see booty kicked that tall). I don't really have a bucket list in life simply because meh I'm too random I trip over crap I want to do anyway, I've gone deep see fishing, been to Disney World a few times, been to Myrtle Beach, Atlanta, Philly, NY, etc. I mean I guess I'm so used to just ending up places that I don't plan for it I just let it come to me. But this would be a good one, so hopefully one of the summer block busters this year(hmm maybe Harry Potter since it's the last and it has been epic) and to share it with my brothers would also be good.

So anybody out there been to an IMAX viewing, how was it? Any tips on how NOT to get a crick in my naked staring at such a huge screen

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A quick look at 2011

I don't know what I can say about pacing yet since in all of 2009 I had 37 blogs, and for the most part to start 2010 I had like 5, but 25 isn't bad for the first 3 months. It means I've been posting, I've even gotten a few responses.

My lack of vacation may have slightly added to me not blogging, but I plan to spend my wifes birthday with her(its a surprise, my google analytics doesn't show me any GA hits so she doesn't read my blogs at the moment). Her birthday is March 30th. So on the 30th I will try to do a "Happy Birthday" blog, with pictures(and then summarily be killed) of my lovely wife.

I'm not as bad a draft monster(so far) this year as last, it looks like save a blog here and there the use of my phones, in combo with my puter has helped me be really productive blog wise(as I lazily lay back in my chair). Say phones and realize I haven't done my phone blog yet, yeesh I'm behind, and yet ahead. Hopefully by mid year im around 70 blog posts. I'm at 25(soon to be 27) now so if march sees even a post every 2 days clip that's still 32 blogs. Maybe more I forgot to look at the "super moon" last night(sucks to be me) this will be the 3rd one I've missed(I'm 36 so one happened after I was born, one after my 18th and now this one) oh well if the pattern holds that means I get 18 more years so yaaay.

That was a joke, anyway this was just a random shot about my productivity. Those who have stopped through welcome, those who have run away screaming "y'all come back now, ya hear". Nah I'm playing I'm not everybodies cup of tea, so if ya don't like it fair enough. I'll think no less of ya, okay now to post this and finalize my previous
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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It seems spring is "peeping" in early

You can always tell when the seasons are starting to change, the birds, insects and animals start coming back in full force and being more frisky. Now I'm no bird watcher so I dont know if this is a Starling, a Robin, or what I just know they spent a good 10 minutes chasing each other around the front yard.

I thought it was funny, after the snow storms, the cold weather and rain storms I see two birds. The cycle starting over again, Mother Nature just needs to catch up and stop with the Bi-polar/Schizophrenic thing and just come with the Median weather.

I took this yesterday and forgot to finish the blog so done enjoy "squirrel"(I never saw "Up" but I loved that part of the trailer)
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