Sunday, December 20, 2009

Glutton for punishment

Let's be honest you're not sitting here reading this right now so why sit here and type it out. I mean I don't give this blog pub So while I have a minor following in other places where people might respond as of this point on this blog I'm the sound of a tree falling in the middle of the forest. So why waste the time typing this one out while my laptop is fried? Simple because I wanna see how hard it would be to blog from this Wii for right now. Yup I am typing this blog from Wii internet channel, trying to see how hard it would be and what it would take to get it done. That way if I do decide to go ahead and blog on my more established blog that folks are probably wondering if I died on or if I am just having too much fun on vacation to be bothered to respond, I might try to blog there. But some place always has to be the guinea pig, and yes today this time, blogger/blogspot is that test subject.

Now I will admit it is slightly weird not being able to see more then a line at a time is SOMEWHAT messing up my flow. I mean I admit to having diarhea of the keys on my best day but when I can't see how long the paragraph has gotten or how far I have allowed the sentence to run, yup puts me at a slight disadvantage. Plus no mouse interaction nor other minor functions that I have gotten so used to on my laptop and desktop, no auto spell check, I actually would have to go back through the whole blog to edit(yea yea call me mildly lazy), I can't cut and paste(did not realize how much I like that ability til now). SO if I do decide to ply it, man I got to be ready for war, kind of reminds me of typing up my reports in high school before I got a PC or where had a reliable computer lab handy. MAAAAAAAAAYNE the amount of correction tape I used to run through, and the pages I would have to retype when I missed words or letters. Can I tell you whippersnappers something thank the baby jesus(yeah yeah I did watch talledega nights shoot me now as much as I complain about the stupidity of that movie) that you have PC's everywhere that are mostly user friendly. Because the ease that yall have it now, cutting, pasting, selecting whole lines or hell being able to read the entire presentation before either e-mailing it, or printing it out. Whew I would probably be my english teachers favorite student presentation wise anyway if I had a PC of todays quality back in the early 90's.

I mean yes I happen to type at a decent rate, but even typing at a decent rate doesn't save you from a mistake or two when it's on the paper(like say the 3 times I just hit ; instead of ' or the b's I hit trying to type instead).

Now I don't blame my problems I am noticing so far on opera hell for what it was probably planned for, this is working out swimmingly, but I will say this is an interesting experience that depending may cause me to wait til the new year to get a new laptop when wifey has agreed to let me spend a little more dough.

I think I will buy a Laptop in the $600-$800 range(I can't use the end button yall gonna make me cuss and this is my Parental Unit friendly blog, and by parental unit I mean my parents I don't curse in front of them unless one slips out) a couple of nice sony, dell and toshiba offerings in that range. I mean I like my acer it was a great laptop and for the last 2 years has served me quite well but a dead fan is a dead fan, I could probably steal one from another acer or hell stick my hard drive in one of the other acer laptops laying around the house but I need a laptop with windows 7 on it any way.

Oh well decisions decisions but I think I should have typed enough No I am not gonna try to put any HTML in here, no reason to try and fry wifey's Wii. If this looks alright maybe I'll log into multiply and talk to the family.

Toodles I hope every one is having a great holiday season. I don't know if I will do my birthday blog here or on ply since yahoo 360 decided it no longer wanted to be in the social networking game(even though that site rocked)

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