Sunday, January 5, 2014

I don't know what you heard about me

But ya can't get a

I'm not actually listening to PIMP by fiddy but it is going through my mind right now. New year, same ol me, same attitude, same stable convictions, and damn sure the same guy who used to run his mouth a lot on this here blog. Things I don't do though are New years resolutions, I mean if you ask me I can whip up a list of things and CALL them new years resolutions but they are really just plans that I already had in the works. I am not downing anybody who makes new years resolution, I have plenty of friends who do and they seem to be pretty good at keeping up with them.

My thing is since I do tend to thing to much I always go along with the whole "if plan a-d or whatever letter I got to didn't work let's start with the next one." I feel that each new year is a new chapter in your old book, not a completely new book and as such I were to completely start over I would get lost. I mean how the hell did I get to where I currently am? Am I lost, or am I late for some appointment, how did the last book end? So yeah new chapter and whats up with this chapter hmm let's see

So what am I GOING to do this year, hmmm buy more stocks(already started that process). I have done a few blogs about investing off and on, I broke my phone so I sold some uneven lots I had but it didn't cost as much as I thought for the phone or the case so I just used the money to buy more stocks. it wasn't enough for a round lot but as long as it doesn't just in price too soon over the next year I will just fill it out later.

I may or may not start blogging more. I would say I plan to but for me blogging is about a needed  release for my ideas, and if I really need to get it out of my head I would not let anything stop me so if I didn't then it wasn't that crucial to me. I mean I have actually slept better than at any point in my life this year without having to pound these keys to tell anybody what was on my mind. I completely enjoy that feeling. I'm not saying I'm never up late, it just isn't as common as it used to be.

I do plan to come out of my G+  hole and be more active on other social networks. It was less about being snobbish as to "oh I'm on the next big thing"(which has never been my style, plus if it was why ain't I on LinkedIn?) and more about me enjoying the fact that I could exist in a world where I only interacted with who and when I wanted to. Not just that but I could interact with them at a place where we had our commonalities instead of "oh well me and you are cool, and me and them are cool, so we all cool right and I hope y'all don't start a fight because we are cool over in this area, and me and them are cool back over there uh oh, wait y'all ain't cool right here? damn." For me it was the internet equivalent of the food court, yes we are all there together but instead of every time I talk me having to stand up and address everybody I could just address the table or tables around me and we could have our own little thing that didn't interrupt everybody elses thing.

I'm not gonna do that thing, that usually gets people in that jam, because they discussed that other thing like the world has been flipped over. Yeah I know cryptic but not really, I talk about a lot of subjects when I am in the mood, if you have seen any of my posts in the past you can probably figure it out if not today then in the future as more posts come out.

Speaking of that broken phone I mentioned up there, the one I replaced it with AWESOME. I may or may not do a blog about that later. Still figuring it out. I will say this for the pretty much 2 years I owned my Galaxy note 1 and had it in it's otterbox case I loved the hell out of it. Yes the screen broke(pitiful pout), but it took one hell of a licking before the screen broke. So what case do I have on my new phone:Otterbox, though I wish they made either Armor or Survivor for my new phone(Otterbox get on that PLEEEEASE).

The Munchkin, what can I say about my dear nephew. Oh yeah "stop hitting the dog in the face with the ball" smh. I have already remarked about this once but I swear they are real life Calvin and Hobbes. The dog is always checking for the baby and the baby is always calling the dog. The dog knocks the baby over, the baby finds ways to run over or bop the dog on the head with something. I sometimes wish I had kept up with my sketching/doodling because they are hilarious.

In the past 2 years I have been back to Jersey, back to North Carolina, spent a little time in Atlanta, and have finally been West of Arkansas. I like traveling, I plan to do more of it the question is where. I don't plan to do the macro version of my "Hunt for Neapolitan Pizza" that happened on my birthday(yeah half the places that have versions of said pizza were closed that day) but I dunno I guess I could bounce around a few places and maybe see some sights. Yes the "cardboard pizza with the big puffy crust" as it was once called on some show on food network back in the day when Chicago and Northeast style pizza went head to head. I was raised on that pizza and for my birthday I was feeling nostalgic.

Make it to a Hirl(and I know a BUNCH of people in Memphis gonna give me the worlds biggest "pffft WHATEVA") Hirl sounds just like Hurl and is basically internet jargon for meeting your online buddies offline. I always miss them, mainly because of work which basically means I suck. I blame no one but myself, I don't really take vacations like I should. which means when I COULD be hanging out I'm in the boonies somewhere. And the rule of the boonies is clear:If there is anything that can pop up that could curtail you from getting back in time to have fun, it will happen 10 fold.

I would say go to a concert or something in the city but to this point (I personally feel, I grew up in the tristate area of NJ, NY, PA they were constantly promoting events) Memphis sucks advertising events. I see a sign for a comedy show, concert, or big deal pretty much the week it is about to happen. I can do spontaneous but not like that, I prefer to weigh my options before I just pop up somewhere for something. I guess I could figure out a way to make it to Memphis in May, but then I never know what artists are going to be there until the ones I would have wanted to see have already performed.

Okay enough rambling for tonight. Happy new year again, thanks for stopping by, catch ya next blog, oh and ahem we uhh don't validate parking here. Yeah sorry about that

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