Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Behold the MorningStar

Finally Lucifer has been released from it's TV embargo, don't ask me what it is about faux religious people and their inability to control their urges but when I heard it got pushed back til 2016 because "a group of concerned citizens felt it made the devil look too relate-able," part of me said, "this is why you should read not THUMP your bible."

Seriously people, while I know the scary imagery of the devil sells well would you sell your soul to Golem? How about Pyramid head? Freddie Krueger? Jason Voorhees? Of course not, first the Devil used to be an angel, everybody agrees right? Then the devil USED to be the most favored angel, again everybody agrees. So other than the fact that if they showed you a handsome charismatic devil you would probably just sign up to toss the draws at him thus the scary visage do you not understand. The devil has a crappy job, we get it. He deals with all the dregs of humanity once we leave this mortal coil, who wouldn't want to dump that job? Hell most of us don't have a job even remotely as bad but if we have to deal with other people on a daily basis we are screaming Calgon take me away(does that even exist anymore, like when I was a kid that was every 5th commercial). So yeah the premise of the show is hilarious, the devil has called it quits, opened a night club in LA, and basically opened up shop to keep up his naughty ways
The Catalyst

Somebody shoots and kills a person he is having a conversation with, an old friend so to speak. Now this wasn't a sniper it was a spray and pray affair so of course he gets hit to, and while he is no longer in hell he wants to make damn sure somebody is punished for it. To say that he is irreverent is like saying humans breathe air, and he loves poking fun at the heavenly host and his agents. Especially the guy who is constantly being sent to persuade him to go back to hell. I mean it is a job, an important job and somebody has to reluctantly do it. Except he ain that guy anymore.

Of course you have a murder so that means you will get cops, and he meets one. A rather interesting  cop for him because He is the devil, he can get you to reveal your greatest desires, you most decadent wishes or at least normally he can.

The Rub

One would think if you were the devil, you would hide, change your name, be low key but that's because you AREN'T the devil. What does he have to be ashamed of, his name is quite literally GOD GIVEN, not assigned by a parent and then ascribed to God later. Nope God named him and he gives it everywhere he goes with a chuckle, because you don't believe him but then again what is that about his greatest trick. Sins, that's what he is all about committing them, critiquing them, completely ignoring anybody trying to be too uptight and proper.

I think this will be a fun show, it's not by the big two Marvel and DC but is based on a Vertigo comic. Hopefully it gets a little more run than Constantine did, I loved Constantine but unfortunately I think it was on the wrong network. Like many things the audience you are trying to appeal to is just as important as how good your show is to determine if the network stays in for the long haul. If you look MOST major networks stick to cop shows, reality TV, and MAYBE one or two Sci Fi or fantasy shows. Comic books tend to trip the light fantastic between the last two but if they aren't sure they have an instant winner(or the main house isn't either in complete control of the network ABC and the CW) a lot of them will cut bait usually too soon(see Fox and Firefly). But if it doesn't last hopefully it gets kicked to a streaming service, I still wish Constantine had gotten a second season. There are rumors that it will return under it's actual comic name Hellblazer but we shall see

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