Showing posts with label 2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2011. Show all posts

Thursday, January 19, 2012

2011 My year in Review pt.2

This is about to come out bass ackwards but I am about to talk about my e-book library, wait why is this backwards you ask? Because I did not start collecting or reading E-books(or digital comics for that matter) until I got my Toshiba Thrive 10.1 on Black Friday(pictured to the right. So since I have yet to do a review or even talk about said Thrive since I got it to talk about something I use an object for and yet not the object(at least in my mind) is a little backwards, maybe I will talk about the Thrive in my next post.

Okay enough stalling, after Black Friday I started what is quickly becoming a favorite addiction:Collecting E-books and digital comics. The reason this is my favorite addiction is because do you see that little beauty up there in the top right corner so far I have at least 75 e-comics and roughly 35 books on that bad boy. now I don't know what kind of comic book collector you are, but let me tell you I would need a steamer trunk to carry around all those comics and that just isn't convenient as compared to that barely 2 lbs of my Thrive. And now those long car trips I used to complain about back when all I had was my blackberry and some tunes have gotten a whole lot more interesting so without further adieu:

E-books and Digital comics

Monday, January 2, 2012

2011 my year in review pt 1

I said I was going to do 2011 the year in review so let me go head.

This one is my "personal year in review". Personally 2011 SUCKED, all I did was work, come home, maybe watch a movie or two on the internet and then go to sleep at around 4 in the morning. The only travelling I did was for work, as much personal travel as I did in 2010 I never left Memphis unless it was for work. I did not step foot into Atlanta at all in 2011, and yes that means that me and my wife who happens to live in Atlanta did not see each other for the whole year. We talked on the phone, got busy, got annoyed with each other, and basically acted like we forgot we were friends for a minute okay a few months. A few of my older friends will tell you that somebody has two phones but still forgot how to call as often as he should(that would be this guy), and that his thumbs don't seem to work half the time either.

I didn't take a lot of me time, didn't do a lot of me things, and as far as ones "memoirs" would be concerned this would be the chapter that is like two pages long, I'm gonna make this about my REAL life not my DIGITAL one, because technically my digital life was kind of popping. Only the real world sucked for me this year. I mean yes I went to the movies, yes I wrote over 150 blogs last year, but seriously other than that short span with the power outage there was no real excitement. I mean I really don't have anything to report here soo I'm just gonna post this and say 2012 is going to be travel, meet and greet, and figure out my personal life.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Live long enough and you will see it all

As a youngster I remember telling my mother "It doesn't snow in February" with all the confidence and pride that all of my 8 years of life on this planet at the time had filled me with. Yup in 8 years of life I had NEVER seen a single snow fall past late January and most likely similar to many of my other fellow 70's children thought that as I had never seen it and I had seen much that it must have been impossible. That very February I was witness to one of the worst blizzards in New Jersey history, or possibly not. It may just have been my mother deciding to give me a taste of my own arrogant medicine. Well it seems that in 2011 another mother has decided to scold her rather arrogant child.

Me and many other East coast natives have been known to joke that while we love sun and sand that we prefer our ground to be nice and stable thus we will keep to our eastern shores cause the terra stays firma, ahem well I guess the ground ain so stable after all. While it was only a 5.8 for a spot where in 35 out of my 36 years when we heard earthquake we were wondering if all the folks in California were okay for once I had to hit up quite a few of my hometown and state friends and ask "are you okay". And now as if a return to some form of "normalcy" Hurricane Irene is about to strike, which also makes me think back to a guy who I used to work with who SWORE that we didn't get hurricanes up in Jersey. And yet I remember being a Jersey resident and living through at least 3 hurricanes that made it all the way up the coast as well as one that had an almost iconic video of some of the Atlantic City boardwalk floating out to sea.

So in one week in 2011 there has been an Earthquake on the east cost that rocked from Dc, to NY, to parts of Sc and now a hurricane is blowing through to smooth out the shaken terra not so firma. As I was about to name this post "isn't it great to live long enough to be proven a fool"


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