Showing posts with label Doctor Who. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doctor Who. Show all posts

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Question that began it all

The mind works in mysterious ways and mine even more so. As the season finale of Doctor Who came on, before the little blue head in the box could speak I realized what they were getting at, I also kind of figured out how. But the question, the question at the beginning of it all, in this instanc the question hidden in plain sight that all of us have always known but of course with a little play on words would never think of.

Now as Doctor Who has always had a thing against spoilers and I am a fan I will keep to that covenant. What I will speak of instead is exactly when does time begin? I mean none of us were actually there at the beginning now were we, nor our ancestors. None can tell us how the sun looked on that first day, or the moon, how tall the first tree grew so in actuality the beginning of life on this planet was not yet the beginning of "time." When th e first sentient beings began to notice that 1 hour was not the same as the next while it had always been ticking away as we crawled from the primordial ooze or from the mind's eye of some great deity still yet that was not the beginning of time, so when pray tell did time begin, why at the first recording of it. The first time some one set a not into the ground to gauge how this hour was different then the last and that upon the start of a new day Rebirth had begun. And at that time it was so young, so very, very young. While we knew that time continued once the sun went down we didn't really have a way to gauge it at first, how do you record said unit of time when the almighty glowing bright spot in the middle of the sky is not there and the only other glowing object does not move the same. Hell it may not even be there some nights, that most likely would have been the invention of the hour glass. It may not have been perfect a single second or two of missing those last few grains of sand or even an energetic flip and time would be slightly off. Hell even we in the present have to reset our clocks by one that we have sworn to have absolute accuracy down the the pulse of an atom.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The first time we ever met

I must admit, they got me of all the people I originally expected her to be I never expected River Song(Alex Kingston) the Precocious Archaeologist who died back while David Tennant was the Doctor to end up being a Human Time Lord. River Song or Melody Pond as her parents had named her the BBC's Time Traveler's Wife(or is she his Mistress since technically the Tardis is his wife). Now that I know more of her story it's like wow she really is awesome,unlike the Doctor she loves guns. She knows it all, but is still impressed by him at every turn.

The first time we met RiverSong(or River Song I've seen it listed as both) was in 2008 during the "Silence in the Library" episode, she pulls the Doctor off to the side and produces a tattered  blue diary.She begins asking him about various adventures none of which the Doctor seems to know anything about.this is the introduction to a running theme in their interactions, every time the Doctor meets River Song from this day forth both will produce Diaries(technically the same diary but watch the episodes to see what I'm talking about). Now thanks to the last episode before the summer break of 2011 this episode will never sit right with me again. The part of the next episode "Forest of the Dead" that kind of sticks out is the Doctors Name(you don't find out til later it's his name that she tells him but the look on his face tells it all)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The first of the year

Good day my fellow netizens lend me your eyes and spare me a keystroke or two, a new year has begun I hope the year finds you in good spirits and if not that tomorrow you find your reason to smile(mine is many miles away).

So its 2011 I wonder what this new year will bring, the last one brought some good memories, some cherished thoughts and a few heartbreak(yes I have a heart). I'm doing this one from blogger droid so i can continue to watch the "Doctor Who" marathon, I love this show I've watched the show off and on for years. I have a few BBM buddies who like it too.

I know I have been scarce since I went to see Tron:Legacy, I didn't fall off the face of the earth i just wasnt in a big bloggy mood(capricorn perogative it happens). Blogs I've skipped:Birthday blog, Tron blog, Christmas thoughts(this one covers new years). No real clue what I want to talk about yet so *bows* for now this is adieu
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