Showing posts with label Marvel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marvel. Show all posts

Saturday, January 14, 2017

My favorite trailers of 2016

2016 was an interesting year for movies, we had a lot of blockbuster I believe 2016 was a record breaking year for the movie industry(I know Disney made it to 1 billion faster than anyone else, granted they did have Zootopia and Civil War to start out the year with), it also saw some monumental flops, as well as the first flop that technically made money, but disappointed almost everyone who watched it. As such you know what interests some people in a movie: A mean trailer, like if you can sell your movie in a trailer that might lead you to a decent opening weekend. My favorite trailers technically weren't in 2016, they were the Deadpool trailers and 90% of those were dropped in 2015. We also had an interesting trailer war going on between Marvel and DC, I think Marvel won the MOVIE war this year, I definitely know Disney did, Civil War, Finding Dory, Zootopia, Rogue One and I am sure I missed a few(Since everybody has under studios that count towards their year) but I think DC had a few good trailers too, especially for Suicide Squad.

Now to do this list I am not just going to talk about every trailer I saw, that would be too easy. I am going to go through the trailers that I saw in theater of course you are going to wonder, "how is he going to remember all of those movies?" Well for those who have been reading this blog for a while you will remember my method for doing the trailer blog before the reviews I text myself the trailers for each movie I see during the year. So I am going to go through each movie text, rewatch the trailers and then decide which were my fav's for the year. And yes I will do them just like I usually do the trailer blog by linking you to said trailer. Now it may or may not be the first trailer but I will try and give you the one that really got me hyped for the movie.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

My movies of 2016

I initially tried to write this on Wordpress but it became my "everything I did in 2016" blog, so we gone try this again, over here, with no cursing, EEEEEEVEN though I am gonna be discussing some straight up GARBAGE movies. but lets give it a go shall we. As you know I tend to go to the movies a fair amount, some years and months more than others. I think I hit 10 last year, not all the ones I wanted to or THOUGHT I would see, I hit most of the majors but not all of them. And it was a mixed bag, seriously a mixed bag because there were some good movies, some bad movies, some nice attempts and then some I have no clue what the director was thinking.

When I did this on word press I meant to, actually I'm not sure what I meant to do so now I am gonna to give you a few paragraphs about each movie I watched and if I feel it's getting wordy I will break it up into extra posts. Now personally I feel that my movie watching year started out pretty damn well, as only it could with what we were given the one and only


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