Showing posts with label Skyline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Skyline. Show all posts

Friday, November 26, 2010

My problem with the ending of "Skyline"

I said I would do this after a couple of weeks It's been 2 fridays(almost, it's been two movie openings Harry Potter and Faster) so lets get to it.

My problem with skyline is simple:the human race all dies except for 1 female(I guess), really the "hero" gets stuck into an alien body in "stills" you see the hero in his new alien body put the SMACKDOWN on a few alien creatures and run away with the girl. Umm really you've just shown basically a desolate planet earth, and we don't even know if her baby is gonna make it. how is she not only gonna survive 9 months on her own (even if dude is there in his alien body to protect her) but you know RUN THE WORLD. I mean think about it:

Everybody else is gone, bodies piled along the floors of alien ships. So there will be no power, or if there is some power still on the first time it breaks down, does she know how to fix it? Is it something she can fix on her own? How is she gonna grow her own food? I mean ladies and gentleman it's not like we are this Renaissance society a bunch of well rounded men and women nope we basically have folks who grow the food, folks who fix our infrastructure, folks who push paper, and people who do various other things and RARELY do our jobs intertwine past using what someone else provides for us.

I mean I thought MAYBE an ID4 would happen we escape to some underground bunker, you figure out how and why Jarrod is how he is you regroup, come back and kick alien butt. Nope the human race is gone pimpin, and the aliens they don't waste time they blow up your skull and use the brain to stick into a new "hive mind" friendly body. Due to multiple "broken" exposures Jarrod was the only human who still had a mind of his own. Oh wait before I forget yeah the aliens do this thing wear they get the brain perfectly away from the skull and use it to power the big uglies, flying uglies, whatever ugly is in front of you right now is powered by a brain, and if you kill that brain it will just take another one, yeah absorb that.

Now if him escaping is supposed to set up a sequel okay um HIS SKULL WAS DESTROYED. it's one big alien ugly versus however large the armada was, and it's not like he can get his body back so um whats the point of showing "alien jarrod" getting away? This ain like Avatar where at the end dude changes body and now has working legs again. There is a future and a sequel on Pandora(I mean potential sequel but come on as much dough as it made it's getting a sequel probably two sequels) how will humanity come back now that they have been kicked off world, possibly is there a way for a truce to be made(you blew up a sacred tree I'd say no, but I mean you could try it). Again the end of the movie was main character opening his eyes in his new body the end. He's alive though, and there are others like him that he can start to rebuild his new home world with. But in skyline um dude if this was to keep them from trying to force you or write a sequel with or without you it's Hollywood if a movie makes money they will figure out the sequel.

So yeah bad ending, thats what I didn't like you kill the hero and don't really leave much hope for the partner/sidekick/love interest going forward. I mean what is she supposed to repopulate the planet all by her lonesome? yeah poor planning

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Movie Review: Skyline

Now some might wonder why I didn't say "It's a bird it's a plane", "up in the sky", "Here I come to save the day" or something along those lines, well it's simple. Another superman movie is due out soon, so I don't want to waste an easy superman reference, at some point in time I'm sure Mighty Mouse will get a movie so I don't want to wast his, but on to the review.


Jarrod and Elaine arrive from NY for Jarrod's friend Terry's birthday party. The party is epic, new opportunities are on the horizon and basically just when a guy is getting a chance to enjoy "the life" what do you know a bright blue light strikes the ground and ruins everything. This is another movie along the lines of War of the Worlds, the day the Earth stood still, and Independence Day. There is a lot of action, there is a lot of suspense what there isn't a lot of is humanity kicking bootay.

Let me be honest while I vividly remember this movie I do not like the ending, Now I don't put it up there with War of the Worlds "we are space travelers but didn't know to wear an enviro suit of some kind to protect us from Germs so we won't DIE, or even TEST for said GERMS before we expose ourselves to the environment" no it's not that bad. I just don't like you know the hmm can I say it without ruining the ending, It's a Neoish ending as in the Matrix.

The special effects were great, the aliens were big and awesome this movie should give you pause about investigating a weird light in the future. I kinda like how they handled the whole "nuclear option" ploy in this movie yup aliens arrive, act rowdy, you drop a nuke on them aaaaaand "Yaaaay we wooo, damn is he getting up really, he's getting up damn, um okay I'm out of ideas." This was kinda like the "friday the 13th" of sci fi thrillers, no there is no escape, please quit running I'm still gonna get you, oh look a blonde. I like this movie I'm trying not to give too much away because up until the ending that I don't like they did move the story along at a nice pace. What happens when it all goes to hell and you are thrown together with a bunch of people you barely know and are most likely going to die. This was no "bunch of meddling kids" here they didn't all get along and the many different ways people got taken out was jump in your seat shocking. (I was gonna say something about my wife and horror movies but she may one day read this blog and I don't feel like getting hit in my sleep) I don't really think this movie is set up for a sequel(which is the other reason I don't like the way they ended this movie, unfinished business but not a clear path on how to finish said business) this may have to be my first two part review I may wait a few weeks to go ahead and discuss WHY I don't like the skyline ending. There are a lot of explosions, a lot of bullets fired, some nice looking vehicles, pretty women(but then again the movie is set in LA), I mean in the flashback sequence you would almost think this was gonna be a buddy movie. But the only things there are about to become friends are the aliens foot and humanities behind, there are going to meet early, they are gonna meet often and yes humanity is the one picking up the tab.

I mean if you like suspenseful movies yes go see it, you don't have to stay through the credits on this one I did there is nothing there, but again I don't like this ending, if in a month it's still rattling around in my head(or I come back here reread this and decide to go down that path) I'll say why

The trailers on skyline

Gullivers travels well did this last week so nothing has changed, the gulliver remake starring jack black. It was the exact same trailer as last week so yes it can work. I think the silly take on this tale might work just depends on if they go too over the top.

It has a nice cast who have pulled off decent comedic parts before so like I said if they mesh the studio will be laughing all the way to the bank. Under dog to big man on campus movie they usually work.

Little fockers-its seems the fockers have children and it is time for old Jack to pass the torch to Gaylord Focker. Its hollywood, them milking this joke for "one more gin" while all the principle characters are still alive and kickin yeah wow big surprise here. It might be funny but the whole viagra knock off 4 hour plus erection joke is getting pretty used and abused.

That looks a little harsh I do like most of ben stillers movies, and rarely do you see a Dinero movie that doesn't work and "Meet the Parents" and "Meet the Fockers" were both successful movies so if the well ain dry I won't blame a studio for takin another shot, I mean who would have thought Shrek would have pulled off 3 sequels?

Unknown-this was a new trailer Liam Neeson plays a doctor who was in a car crash in the water and wakes up 4 days later after being in a coma. As usual nobody can find any ID on him but he has some scattered memories and runs off to meet his wife. It seems though that either he doesn't know who he is or else foul play is afoot.(I couldn't find a better link for Unknown possibly the NEW official site isn't up yet, seems there were a few other unknowns out there)

Now if this sounds familiar yes Arnold, Matt, Halle, Kevin and Ben have all been down a similar road before. The clandestine Alice in Wonderland flick is back. Their usually good rides so let's hope this suspense thriller delivers the trailer has me interested.

Sanctum-big hole in the ground, a chasm like no other that people climb into with a huge rainstorm on the horizon. The last few deep cave movies didn't do well and I think from looking at the trailer this movie might continue the trend. I'm sorry but if a hole wide enough for you to base jump into, and deep as all hell can be filled up in a rainstorm why isn't this a "lake" movie.

Oh I know what the narrator said "blase' blah cave the last unexplored place on earth, blah blah, wonder beauty, blah blah, if you don't make it out no one will know your story" now yes this is a James Cameron movie and with "Avatar" James has earned himself a leap of faith movie. I just watched "skyline" which was an apocalyptic movie so I'm not saying a human peril movie won't work. I'm just saying I the guys who is all for hollywood bringing back the magic is saying he might have added a little too much elfin magic on this one. We'll see, as I see more about it maybe I'll become more interested.

Okay those were my 4 trailers and my initial thoughts of them feel free to agree, disagree or offer your own viewpoints if you think I have been unduly harsh. Everybody doesn't like the same movie, and everyone doesn't always catch the "fever" opening week but if a movie catches on or a new trailers piques interest, word of mouth, whatever I'm sure hollywood will take it.

Aiight bedding this one til I hit the house

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

The plan for the evening

After another brisk walk, I think I knocked it down to 30 minutes this time , I'm at the movies again. This time the flick du juor is "Skyline" the flick that looks alot like "Independance Day".

I love me some black women a sister just walked in with her 3 kids and a nice round behind. Pretty face too, but I digress.

Same as last time I will do the trailers, what I think about them and sometime tomorrow afternoon or monday afternoon I will do the review. I've seem some pretty good sci fi flicks this year so I have high hopes. It looks like movies are going into the home stretch for the end of the year, me likey.

It seems I've talked myself to another low battery which is fine as I won't be talking or texting for the next two hours I should have PLENTY of juice for what I'm trying to do. I mean its at 2 bars and trust me two bars can go quick(for me 2 bars can go quick I mash buttons just that much) it was a long day, hopefully I'm about to see a good movie, and when I get home it will be conjure and black ops time.

I hope all reading are having a great weekend and if not, I hope tomorrow turns it around. Aiight time to bed this one I think its about 9:40 now so I can buy my ticket and drink

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