Showing posts with label Wii. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wii. Show all posts

Saturday, December 12, 2009

It's finally happened

For our anniversary/christmas my wife wanted a Wii console. Now we tried to get one at walmart, they had this special going buy a Wii console and get a $50 dollar walmart card with it, so basically get a Wii for $150. I wanted to get up on that but only stocking 2 or 3 a day in the store ain gonna cut it. So we went to best buy(if I hadn't said it before I will say it again if you buy a lot of electronics, or media get a best buy reward zone card, those $25, $35 and $15 dollars off coupons come in handy trust me I'm always using them) best buy had plenty of them, so we bought one. Didn't have money for another game(yet I got to get some severe dental work done, which is another blog that I might do tonight) now I said this when I got my 360 and now that I have actually played a Wii for an extensive period of time(well most of the afternoon on the 11th) I will reiterate Nintendo  was trying to be the second console if you wanted next gen hi def gaming but with as much fun as me and the wife had it could be your first console easy.

Besides it's much cheaper price tag then it's competitors the nintendo wii is an easy system to pick up by that I mean you don't have to be game master to enjoy a Wii. The Nintendo Wii that we purchased game with one Wii mote, a nunchuk, Wii sports and the console. Can I say wifey whooped me at Wii bowling hell she doubled me up a couple of times. It seems me and Wii bowling are the same as me and REAL bowling somedays I'll knock them all down others maaaaan I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. Okay that was a little white lie it ain some days it's some throws, I mean in one frame I can have a bunch of great throws and a bunch of bad ones it's comical. Now Wii sports is not just Wii bowling(thank god, cause she would have been running off at the mouth about it FOREVER) it's got golf(we tied) tennis(whooped her), baseball(I played she didn't) and Boxing we only bought one extra controller and no nunchuk so we haven't boxed each other yet.

Let me say this if you are trying to figure out a fun way to burn some calories before you truly kick it into high gear buy a wii cause you will get tired, and you will burn calories. And MAAAAAN, Wii baseball if you can get your swing right yes you will nail homers left and right. And it does allow for some bonding and good old fashioned fun, so nintendo congratulations you have a nice little system on your hands.

Next up on my list of things to get and try an PS3


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