Showing posts with label around the web. Show all posts
Showing posts with label around the web. Show all posts

Friday, February 10, 2012

Impatience thy name is Primal

 Now you can say it and you are absolutely right: "Didn't you say you would hold on to buy the 32GB microSD card with the Adapter because the 16 would be fine?" and yes I did say that. Here is what changed as sometimes happens in my day to day travels I happened to hit a few electronic stores looking for various parts, and while there I decided to check out things that just hit the shelves that I might want later:Phones, Sd cards, Games, Gaming Systems, newer versions of the tablets coming out, new laptops, what have you. The reason being is simple if I know what a customer may be about to purchase I at least can get a heads up on any issues that may run into either from trying to get the it to do something it can't or because they didn't read the instructions on how it can. So while making these rounds I happened to look in the Sd/flash memory section, remember I really wanted a 64Gb but the highest I saw on shelves was a 32 and I was noticing a pattern.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Just a little help for those stumbling onto my page looking for a famous black personality

It's TAVIS Smiley, not Tagus, you got the Cornell West part right but the man's name is Tavis, hell let me help you out further and provide some appropriate links(no I am not a big Tavis Smiley fan, while sometimes his heart appears to be in the right place he also has a huge ego, but this ain about me)

One of his Websites
his PBS page
the Wiki Dedicated to him
his all Tavis all the time radio show
His Twitter
Huff Po Article
The Intersection of Madness and Reality article about them(yes rippa's site is awesome)
the Charlie Rose Interview with him and Cornell West

Now if this ain the Tavis Smiley you are looking for, I can't help ya. Yes I am a kind enough person to attempt to help send you on the right path whether I like the establishment you are trying to reach or not, it ain always got to be about my likes or dislikes sometimes it can just be about helping out your fellow HUMAN. I'm sure you can find quite a few articles about first Mr. Smiley(and I don't mean Rickey, this time), and Professor West if you go to this Google Page which is where I found the rest of this stuff. I know he has a weird name, I used to think way back in the day that his name was TRavis Smiley and that somebody was just mispronouncing and spelling it but hey normally you go for a name you are used too(and I knew quite a few Travis' at the time) instead of something new and different, I guess it's similar to Brendan Fazier(Fayzyour) going as Brendan Frazier for so long because he didn't want to argue with people screwing up his name.

Hope this helps

Monday, July 18, 2011 and why you should care

I don't know about you but I love music, I love to hear it, I love to chair dance to it, I love to make those awkward hand moves on certain songs when you just feel it. I tend to have a sound track running in my head as I get into various situations, I may not always remember the name of the group or the song but I will remember one of the two. If I don't I'll remember the movie or TV show I heard it on, usually thats enough to get it stuck in your head and drive you insane. Thanks to all of our digital devices we can stream music pretty much anywhere, thing is it's some "created by an arbitrary rating process" playlist that sometimes may hit the song you want but other times it just has you waiting for your favorite or hoping something new and hot comes on.

Spotify allows you to look up the group or the song(I had to use it for Brick's Dazz earlier because ahem too many things use Brick in the name) and as long as somebody has uploaded it on a playlist somewhere there you go. I'm not saying it's perfect, I'll critique the only semi annoying thing I noticed later on, but if all you can do is remember the song or the group and you want to see what other songs they may have that you missed there you have it. And while the occasional ad here and there on the free version may bother some, dude my first day using it I was in 80's and 90's hip hop heaven, a 30 second ad here and there while I'm playing every number 1 from high school pfft radio doesn't give it to you that good. Now yes some of the groups didn't have every song I wanted, but I can always go buy those cd's myself and ADD it to the collective(I need to add my desktop to spotify since that's where the majority of my music is) I mean how is a global music database supposed to work if we all don't contribute to it?

There is also a playlist feature where you can add songs to either windows media player(I'm on the Toshiba so I have yet to download anything else "news at 11" to if it will add to more than just WMP playlists) or create a spotify playlist within the application. You can also star songs to help rate them up, the "What's New" page also lets you see any new artists or album releases. If you use the ad version you will get a chance to browse albums(I checked out a few tracks on Pittbull's Planet Pittbull earlier and now I grooving to Jill Scott's new album) that pop up either on the bottom or the right side. Now I'm sure since there is some tracking going on they will know that so far I am a big Hip hop, reggae, funk and Neo Soul fan so what if you can push more of those songs my way I have no problem with it. I just started my first playlist today(I have WAAAAY more funk songs to look up than the ones I have added so far, ahem what Child of the Funk get over it) and whew can I say putting in Parliament or Funkadelic was like my Dad's old record collection all over again. I think I reached the end of the list but then again I was only skimming for my absolute favorites, unfortunately some of them were live versions and while lives are nice you don't always hear the lyrics clearly. Then I looked up Dazz, then grabbed songs from the Dazz band, and the Gap band. I'll share that playlist on FB later, Jill Scott's new one has me making a neo soul playlist so yeah gotta pick up that album sometime this week.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The more you know

As of late I have been feeling a little subconscious about the length of my posts when it comes to you know how you see them on the web when you first log in, well a little something I had been ignoring: the jump break. I know other bloggers who say after the jump, and I see it(of course USUALLY I have gone to their link directly so I rarely notice it) and I'm like umm what jump. They meant this jump

Monday, November 1, 2010

It's monday

Everybodies favorite day of the week. I had a messed up weekend but hey bad times happen to everyone. I haven't touched a controller in like 2 or 3 weeks so I'm rusty as hell. And no blogging was not the cause of it, a broken TV, and two siblings with no consideration for anybody elses schedule are. I mean I could have played last night but I just wasn't in the mood.

Like I said I've had better weekends it just seemed like this weekend me and money were like oil and water. Just couldn't come together, now while part of me wants to bemoan and lament my ill fortune it will do nothing to improve it. It was an expensive lesson learned and I really ain too keen to repeat it, but life happens you deal, you grow, and you prepare. Anything more and you're just giving yourself false confidence.

Seems to be a fair amount of bad luck going around so I don't feel especially targeted I just feel like Hannibal King in blade trinity, when the rottweilers walk around the corner. Yeah, that line, all day, just sit there and enjoy that feeling for a second. By the way, there's no window, no ledge, no bar you can jump and hold on to to avoid the gaping jaws. Nope just you and 3 hounds from hell. You're unarmed, you've just had your head kicked in for about 4 hours, and this already wasn't you day. Your choices are simple are you gonna give them the balls or the cheeks cause they're coming.

Went to a few of my favorite movie news websits this weekend saw some scans for Captain America, news about transformers 3(they've been awfully quiet about Thor lately), read a few comic reviews and basically vegged. Site one is Think Hero  twitter and site two is  Geektyrants twitter. Now as I'm mobblogging this I have some editing to do it seems that E-mailing in a blog blogger/blogspot doesn't like my html editing(and it didn't suck my tags were right for once I think) so any and all tages have to be added on my PC. As of course the brunt of the work was done on my crackberry I'm leaving the tag along the bottom that says as much.

So glad I decided to think ahead and leave them as drafts. Drafting these bad boys allows me to add tags, clean up HTML, add videos or pictures. I've also been adding new widgets and toys to my blog to add functionality, hopefully make it more user friendly and possibly drive traffic. Meh drive traffic, I don't know if I really want to do that. I'm a free spirit for the most part somedays in my head I still like to relive my old underoo days super heroes fantasies, just as a break from the monotony of my erratic life.

By the way yes that last bit will stay in there, I kinda like this picture of myself I have painted here. Its probably the fullest picture I have ever allowed myself to paint minus the profanity. I'm like a road map many different ways to get many different places. I can be funny, akward, moody, demanding, opinionated, passionate, flirtatious, fragile, unbending and compromising. I'm me no other way to put it, anyway lets bed this bad boy before I really get my ramble on you want some good sci-fi and movie sites the two groups up top are among the best. You want supreme randomosity well you're already here. 
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


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