Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Further along the path

Like any endeavor in life you have to have milestones, land marks, routes, goals and the ability to reroute yourself if an obstacle pops up. Well I have reached one of my goals. While I know I often lament over the fact that "Google Analytics" doesn't always satisfactorily count all my hits, it does count a fair enough share of them for me to gauge progress as I go along. Even if my blogs internal stats give me say 5-10 hits for the day if I see a 2 hit from analytics, I know there were definitely some hits that day.

Now yes I am saying that versus blogger/blogspots internal stats Google Analytics tends to give me 1/4 - 1/3 recognition, which I'm sure for most of my fellow bloggers would be maddening, but is shows me some things that the internal stats don't. Like how long people were on the site, how many pages they visited, what search terms brought you to my page, what pages you found me through. This may seem a little anal, but as a semi social, mostly daily journal/perspective blogger its nice to know which subjects and the amount of detail included in the subjects is appreciated. It seems I get a lot of visits when I blog about the trailers before various movies, and a few hits on my movie reviews. Sometimes I get hits on sporting event blogs, I got quite a few hits after the storm that precursored the flooding down here in the midsouth.


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