Showing posts with label durability. Show all posts
Showing posts with label durability. Show all posts

Sunday, January 12, 2014

New work phone part Deux

It finally happened, kind of hilariously actually. The ONE time I do not attempt to juggle catch my Galaxy Note One when it is knock out of my hand I don't hear the tell tale *clack* but a somewhat muffled *crunch*. I know there is a post on here a few years back showing my Note 1 in it's Otterbox, and I sung the glories of the Otterbox case. And still will, I mean back in the summer I dropped it off the top of a 12 foot ladder into some turf and it survived unscratched. Well the phone was unscratched, the case has slowly but surely been showing the wear and tear of being owned by me. The difference between this time and that is simple, any Otterbox user will tell you the ONLY weakness in the case is that if you catch a corner in the center the phone is toast. as you can see from the picture it's got a big white scratch in the center. so after a few days of mourning(I really did love that phone, it was finally beginning to show it's age) I had to figure out what I was gonna do next. I have two phones for a reason, after 7:30 I'm not picking up my work phone for anybody. I like to keep business and personal firmly separated. So since I didn't want to start giving out my personal number to clients for anything, they meant I had to get on the ball about getting a new work phone.

Now if you have read this blog lately you know my birthday happened recently(yes I broke my phone AFTER my birthday, aaah the irony of life) so I couldn't just turn around and put up some puppy dog eyes and be like "it's my birfday could you please buy me expensive piece of technology so that I might geek out?"


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