Showing posts with label monday morning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label monday morning. Show all posts

Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday morning

Its another monday, just sitting back not doing anything the system I had to load is up and running so I feel rather accomploished right now.

I have a mild dilemna who to believe google analytics or my Blogger stats. Now I've had google analytics up since last week, it has me recorded with a good 45 unique visitors, 79 page hits, and a decent average pageview. It say people from 4 countries and provinces have visited my page and that I've gotten a few visits from various referral sources, directly, and search engine.

Thing is in that same time period blogger stats has me at like 300 pageviews, it has me getting hits from about 15 countries, twice as many referrals, more of my pages getting read.

They agree mostly on the search engine. Now I don't know if google analytics has to load a certain way on someones device for it to be seen(because I visited from my blackberry and that didn't register so maybe that's part of the issue). But hey it does give me more in depth info for the folks it does count. It seems for my site size(noo clue who's range I'm in, a little guy though just starting out haven't really hit my stride too well yet) I'm leading on most benchmarks so "yaaay me!" just gotta keep the content creation up.

Yeah I do like a little bit of site feedback, it kind of let's me know what interests the few people who do visit. I'm sure folks notice the counter at the bottom of my page, it isn't flying up there but its moving. And that's all a blogger can ask right? Come by, read, possibly comment and comeback again later.

I'm going to do a follow up "weekend thoughts" to my blog on Call of Duty: Black Ops(damn forgot to link to the game in the original blog aiight will do that today) the awesomeness remains. Love the game, I blew my first contract last night but that's what I get for picking a 75 kill requirement contract when I haven't be racking up straight double digits on average yet. But I did get half way there.

I actually like the contract system, the reason I failed is because it was a contract with kills ONLY with a certain gun. Now as any good FPS player knows in the heat of the game your using your gun, you knife, grenades, kill streak rewards, whatever to reach the kill count first. Sometimes you mash your opponents other its a foot race and in comes down to a lucky grenade, a stray bullet, who knows.
Okay let's stop before I go too deep I've been having a blast playing Black Ops this weekend. It may have been an interrupted blast but it was a blast. Okay one last thing

The flamethrower is evil, I killed a few people with it, but put it away because it can become addictive but wow. Just painting someone with flames wow.

So far today is not too eventful, but that's just so far this morning. Hopefully I get my new phone sometime next week it will be a royal pain transferring everything over but new phone is new phone(bye bye trackball). For those wishing to leave them, or curious to know my random thoughts on some subject drop me a line my info's on the contact page.

Aiight putting this one to bed to be edited later

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


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