Monday, October 19, 2009

Forced another one out

I would love to say I have been bitten by the blogging bug again but I have not. I had a thought in my head and I decided to put it out there. Both of the blogs were aimed at poking holes in some fallacies that people have been perpetrating lately I am about to do a third one, well I am contemplating doing a third one I gotta make sure I haven't done it already hell I need to do another one on here this one was fully planned for here and I have just remembered it(what part of I have a mind full of useless information and it usually takes alcohol to unclog it. And I haven't been getting my drink on much lately). I'm calling it my "Brewster's Millions" theory. But I'm not gonna spoil it by typing it out here, I said I was gonna make it it's own blog and I will. I think I have been a little mentally lazy lately I come home I veg out a little I do not get much else accomplished I need to change that a lot of things I need to do. I think this will be my 9th blog on here which thinking of how prolific I have been on other sites that I actually visit this is a little sad but then again I started this blog right before I got really busy. Then on top of that I really haven't sat down to think any of the ideas I had in my head through any further then the first few fleeting thoughts.

And if I am gonna cut out the profanity I really have to think them out, I gotta decide what I wanna say, I have to proof read them thoroughly mentally and then they get the green light. Now if I can start doing that you may see the numbers on this blog fly up. The truth about me is simple, while I may plan things out to the last degree usually when it's time to do them I just prefer to wing it. I over plan everything so that all my anxieties are gone. I mean if I don't have a topic yes I can be a little random but if you have ever given any of my blogs a read even in my scatter shot manner I tend to be a barrel of laughs as well as intelligent, witty, on point and intriguing. The only thing I am not is focused and I do need to get focused, I can fly by the seat of my pants just fine but looking forward at least in my mind I need to be a little bit more determined. I need to push a little harder there are a lot of traps out here waiting to get me stuck in a slight malaise, have me moping, and meandering it isn't hard I'm moody by nature. So if something can slow me down it just might be able to hold me there for a minute.

And right now, a part of me kinda wants to back off, never one to shy away from flames, or scars I think a part of me is saying whats the pay off. I mean has a brick even cracked? Has one budged? do I see any progress from slamming into that obstacle one more time, and maybe I am getting older but then a part of me, a part of me is still breathing fire, it's just a wall. That brick looks old, it looks crumbly, I feel give each time I hit it, it's not stopping me it's slowing me down, and I don't have time to slow down.  Look how much further it has moved back since last time, I see the scrape marks on the ground. Unfortunately for the part of me thats wants to slow down, those scrape marks are making me hungry, I'm starting to remember I like collecting scars, every scar is a story, an occurrence in my life a ripple like in a pool caused by some interaction whether in be on the surface or underneath. And personally I like my ripples all of them, they occurred in some of the strangest ways and have left me with hilarious stories.

So watch the shadows it seems the tiger may be about to reawaken and all the warning you will have is the glint from his eyes

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