Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Dc one house forclosed, one saved and one confounded

Election night is mostly over and unified Democratic control of Washington D.C. is no more, the Democrats have lost the house because they allowed their opponents to control the conversation. It's funny the Dems didn't run from the questions, they did have answers but they allowed the other side not to answer the exact same question. I get it yes you can't be the same pugnacious, punchy high spirited guy or gal in DC that you were in your own back yard. And yes to be honest the house is the one governing body that is not as much a bellwether but a reminder of the party you just went to last night. The house because it is up for reelection every 2 years tends to be an emotional contest a game of "What have you done for me lately".

To be honest in that game republicans always win, not because they do the job better but because when given the keys they slam the pedal to the floor and appeal to our baser nature. When it comes time to clean up or do the work they may disappear but when it's magic time when it's time to capture peoples imagination and hearts with some old fashioned hocus pocus they have that down. While it was not the greatest health care reform bill it was a health care reform bill,. it did provide for the American people, and the democrats did pass it. As sad as it may sound politics is one of those jobs where you really do have to toot your own horn. No the stimulus wasn't big enough, it was handled in a manner that some(read the president) had hoped would bring everyone on board and together, it seems Mr. Obama forgot who leads the republican party. Now no Obama did not fail but the road will be harder, I'm sure there will be claims of the senate not being that important(unless somebody can convince joe lieberman to switch sides then it will be all about how they have the president by the snardlies), which is a lie but the question is are the games over, are we gonna go back to America being for Americans or has the first shot be fired, now in control will those republicans especially those closely tied to the Tea party decide that Washington should sit on its hands and do nothing, let their darling free market fix it all?

I have never been anti republican just anti stupidity, I fully recognize there have been good and bad leaders on both sides, but back then we at least respected each other. Now lets be real I already know nothing sells tickets like furniture moving the old cliched "don't hold me back I'm gon kill em"(all the wall using the persons body to shield you from an on coming potential attack) for a time teh charge would be to call you a loyalist(to the english of course, the country not the language), then of course a confederate, a commie, a socialist, a flip flopper, a tax and spender, a --hawk(war, deficit, budget whatever). P's are always passionate:politics, patriotism, pornography, purpose. So as much as we MAY have respected each other before we sat down at the table it was on, now though people are being miseducated instead of being told to calm down now we have work to do, people are encouraging the crowd. They are asking for more anger, more intolerance, more idiocy instead of thinking the best of your fellow man its always a series of "how can I best insult you and thus myself best?" I'm an American born and raised I may have a year round but I "my country tis a theed" and "I pledge allegianced" like every other young child and I was proud to say the words because I believe in them, yes as I got older I began to notice some folks forgot (or maybe never had to say hell the pledge really isn't as old as I thought) those words, in times of major crisis we may stand together but give people a few days now and we will be back at each others throats.We have gone from "this land is your land" to "get off my land or I'll shoot", we've gone from people who remember the pain that intolerance and hatred can cause to people who celebrate inhumanity openly on t shirts and in songs. Now yes if it is meant to be comical it MAY be funny(it could still piss someone off and that's their right and you just have to accept not everyone likes the joke) but usually it isn't meant to be funny but to be hurtful and invoke reactions of fear, pain, or submission.

Now yes this is supposed to be when I say "But we as Americans do not BOW to that type of TYRANNY", thing is when you are all alone and not sure that I or anyone else will stand with you how many will risk it all for an ideal that many feel has passed them by? And that is sad, as I said in the previous post as children we made a compact with each other "ONE NATION under god INDIVISIBLE with LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL, call me a ham but those words still move me, as does the national anthem. The anthem is always better live though when you are there standing as one with your fellow americans, and you don't all look alike and you didn't all start from the same place but you may have ended up there. Sometimes I think we need to hear the national anthem together as a group just so we can remember at the end of the day WE ARE ALL AMERICANS, not Republican, not Democrat but Americans. We may not share mother, father, skin tone, blood line, month of birth, year of birth, state, city, or timezone but we share nationality. We are Americans when did that stop meaning something.

I'm not gonna lament losing the house not because it isn't important but because those guys are the other side are still Americans, and while they may not have impressed me with their last stint in charge, my fellow Americans believed at least for one house of congress these are the people they wanted to run that house. They wanted to restore a check in the system of checks and balances that they felt was out of whack. Fine, my side drug its feet and we have been summarily reprimanded for it. As I said after the 08 elections on multiply time to roll up our sleeves and get to work.Unemployment is too high, we have a deficit and we must keep our country from becoming obsolete, read those words again OUR COUNTRY because that's what it is, I know there has been a lot of talk from some that THEIR country is gone like they don't see the rest of us here, like somehow they think that only THEIR concerns are valid well they have made their voices heard. But now it is time to put up or shut up, you claim to have such grand plans for where the country needs to go and you have a bigger voice at the table the time for talking is over.

You whined

You cried

You pretended you were getting mistreated.

Okay now they have given you a whistle that you can blow you're out here on the field too now, lets see if you can actually help us get things back under control

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