Showing posts with label Starfield. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Starfield. Show all posts

Monday, June 10, 2024

My first ever 500 view video, woohoo

 This is truly a momentous event, especially for a small creator like myself. It also comes with an EXTREMELY funny story attached to it, because if you asked me a few months ago what I EXPECTED to be my first 500 view video it is technically a newer one. This video comes from Starfield, I can't say my playthrough because I ain actually beat the game yet. I haven't even started the main campaign, one of the things I love about Starfield, and it involves a certain Bethesda staple. The ability to grab items to use as battering rams or grabber arms and knock items off the shelf so that you can move them to a private area and SWIPE them. The thing is this video is a slow burn on the views, I had one video that hopped up to like the 400 view level in a couple of days but it has stagnated. Here's the link to the video Starfield, stealing the magshear now granted I didn't use the trick of upping the difficulty before I did it, nor did I save the game a bunch of times to get the ADVANCED mag shears which are stronger.


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