Showing posts with label High seas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label High seas. Show all posts

Monday, May 23, 2011

"You will die at the hands of a one legged man"

The sea calm and clear on a moonlit night. Two fisherman pull up their net and find a man, what they think is a drowned man until he gasps for air while saying something in Spanish.  We are whipped to the Spanish court, it seems this man claims to have been aboard the ship of Ponce De Leon, which the men say is impossible because Ponce was lost 200 years ago. But the King looks at the book in the mans hand a orders a close figure to leave immediately for the new world. We are whipped to a courtroom in England a hooded man is being brought to trial. The man Jack Sparrow, pirate, looter, thief he will hang for his crimes against the crown, except when the hood is taken off it's Mr. Gibbs who is pleading the case for him NOT being jack sparrow. All rise, a gloved hand is seen handing a bag of money to a court officer and the Judges name is cried out. Under wig and powder is a familiar face, he questions the NOT Jack Sparrow about the conditions of him being in his presence that afternoon. After being bludgeoned a few times, and the Judge threatening him with another bludgeoning for claiming he could point out the REAL Jack Sparrow the Judge demands a verdict, without a trial. Drooling for their entertainment the court room onlookers scream "Hang im, Hang im" to which upon hearing the guilty "verdict" the Judge says "Mr. Gibbs you have been convicted of the crime of NOT being Jack Sparrow and will be placed imprisoned for the rest of your natural life". The crowd screams bloody murder, they wanted their hanging, they had a pirate in their midst and they expected a throat stretching, aaaah justice how fine she be.

Pirates of the Caribbean:On Stranger Tides


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